So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Contest: Show Us Your Balls By Monday

The AdHack “Show Us Your Balls” Contest closes Monday, Feb 16, 11:59 pm PST.

* Watch the Video.
* Pick a Product/Service
* Finish the Story.

Looking for Inspiration?

Beverage Companies Are Favorite Advertisers Among Super Bowl Viewers:


According to comScore’s pre-Super Bowl survey, respondents cited strong preference for beverage brands. In that light, here’s AdHack’s “Not What Happened” ending.

Watch the AdHack “Show Us Your Balls” Alternative Ending

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(Source: PRWeb press release on AdHack: User-Generated Ads)

HarperCollins Lay Offs

Bad News Hits HarperCollins
Quote: The publisher of such authors as Nobel laureate Doris Lessing, Oprah Winfrey favorite David Wroblewski and Newbery prize winner Neil Gaiman has closed and dispersed the Collins division, which specializes in nonfiction books, and laid off a “small percentage” of employees.

“Over the last several months, the unstable economy has had a significant impact on businesses and consumer spending,” HarperCollins CEO Brian Murray wrote in a company memo sent Tuesday. “Our industry is not immune to these market forces, and there is increasing pressure on us, along with our retail and wholesale partners, to adjust.”

No house appears immune to the economic crisis that is intensifying the dysfunction of the publishing industry. The extraordinarily bad news is that the people let go are the top in the game, the ones with the most (and best) experience. How do you rebuild with a bunch of newbies and graduates?

So Misguided.

(Source: Thanks Travis)

Monique Trottier Is Today’s Reader on

Listen to me reading an excerpt from The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway.

During the siege of Sarajevo, which lasted 3 years, a shell struck a group of 22 people who were waiting in line for bread. For the next 22 days, Vedran Smailovic, a renowned local cellist, played Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor at the site in honour of the dead. His actions inspired Steven Galloway to write this novel.

The part I read is from page 75..

The woman is Arrow, a sniper. Nermin is her boss. He has brought her to this spot to hear the cellist for her first time. She is to ensure that the cellist is not killed by enemy snipers.

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Vote Strategically: Electoral Reform in BC

From Peter Morgan * Morgan:News:

Did you ever wonder how a political party can get 40% of the vote but receive 60% of the seats, and get 100% of the power? It happens in every single election, provincial and federal.

Every election people are telling me to “vote strategically” so I won’t be “wasting my vote.” Sound familiar?

The voting system we use in B.C. only elects whoever gets the most votes in a riding, a system with the nickname of “First past the post.” Most democratic countries use systems that count every vote and give voters more choice.

Remember STV? In 2005, the B.C. Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform recommended that British Columbians adopt a fairer election system known as the Single Transferable Vote (BC-STV).

One of the main benefits of BC-STV is that politicians are able to work together to help their own communities. The political parties don’t get to play war in the legislature. By playing war, they get media attention, which they need if they’re going to continue running elections their way.

Four years ago, 58% of B.C. voters said ‘yes’ to a referendum asking for a change to STV, two points short of the required 60% for approval.

On May 12, when the next BC provincial election is scheduled, voters will a second chance to choose BC-STV in a referendum. You haven’t heard much about it yet, but once the election gets underway, there’ll be some information about it.

If you want to refresh your memory, there is a four-minute video that shows you how the system works, and the implications of it, as well as an 11-minute video about who the Citizen’s Assembly was, and why they made their recommendations. You can also keep informed about the debate, see a schedule of up-coming events, you can sign up for updates, to volunteer or even make a small donation, all at the web site of the proposed system:

At the very least, please forward this e-mail on to your contacts who live in BC, and remind them of the referendum question that’ll be on the May 12th ballot.

Horoscopes Abound with Meaning

Apparently the universe knows that I’m uploading photos instead of working. My plea: But it’s still the weekend.

[ ] Although you have tried to remain focused on your duties, distractions abound. Paradoxically, it’s the unexpected little twists and turns to your weekend that allow you to slip beneath the surface and find meaning. Nevertheless, it’s time to concentrate on the simple and obvious facts. Today you can experience greater pleasure by paying attention to your senses than attempting to uncover more hidden secrets of the universe.
By Rick Levine

Show Us Your Balls Super Bowl Commercial

Giant Ant Media and teamed up a couple of months ago to film their alternative to the Super Bowl commercial.

I can’t say the Super Bowl commercials were great this year, but I definitely had a good laugh at the AdHack “Show Us Your Balls” ad.

I loved it so much that I agreed to help promote it. Here’s my hefty press release talking about the secrets to making a great ad. and, for your viewing pleasure …

Now that you know what the crazy avatars are all about, go check out AdHack’s Contest page where you can write the follow-up script for a chance to have your version filmed.

And those are my “balls balls” at the end of the commercial.

Cooking for Two

Farmfed and Drinking with Farmstead

Cooking For Two: Perfect Meals For Pairs by Strand, Jessica (Chronicle Books).

The kind folks at Raincoast Books sent over a delicious little book called Cooking for Two. Since James is the chef in our house, cookbooks for me are more like menus. “I’d like this please.”

That said, when James is busy, I’m on my own. The kitchen is a scary place with me in it so this book is perfect. Lovely photos that allow me to see how horribly wrong my version is, and simple recipes that suggest I should do better.

Not in the cookbook, but a complementary dish, is James’ prosciutto-wrapped pork loin.

Farmfed and Drinking with Farmstead

Since I’m responsible for appetizers, dessert and beverage service, my suggested pairing is Marc Tempe’s Pinot Gris Zellenberg Vielle Vignes 2005. As Anthony at Farmstead Wines says: “Drinks like a wine of twice the price. Bottled in August 2007 without filtration. Stonefruit, spice, vanilla, & integrated wood notes with great minerality in an amazingly rich wine.” That means it tastes really fricking good with this meal.

Farmfed and Drinking with Farmstead

So Miss Ballsy


Here’s Your Open Ball Invitation. A chance to frame your balls. A moment to reflect on what it truly means to have squeaky shoes. is working on something really funny. They have me by the balls so I can’t tell you what it is. But you’ll be rolling around laughing when I do.

In the meantime, show us your balls. In the most polite sense, of course. Footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls.

STEP 1: Create an Avatar so you can prove you were cool before you even knew why this was cool.

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