Stewart’s Love Story with the Internet starts with Lund.

There’s a great photo of a young Stewart in a Radio Shack Camp hat. Go Radio Shack!

Couple of early usernames:
* sbutterf
* ui503
* dsb26 (At grad school: Daniel Stewart Butterfield, and the 26 is the number of people who had the initials dsb) was “Stu’s” first blog, started in 1998 with increased pick up in 2001.

“A community is a medium for ongoing conversations (think of religious communities, towns, professional associations, neighbourhoods …” a quote from early Stewart.


Obama in Berlin. Everyone in the audience has a camera.
(What’s amazing about the photo is Obama in front of a sea of white arms holding up cameras.)

All hockey-stick graphs regarding the internet phenomenon are “super plausible”.

Computing is no longer “calculator” or “microprocessor”. We’ve gone from application-based to relationship-based computing.