Plain words, uncommon sense

Category: Book Reviews (Page 31 of 40)

Book Review: Girl #3 by Nichole McGill

imageGirl #3 by Nichole McGill is a great literary, thriller about a girl who is almost abducted. It can be scary being a kid, a girl in particular. What I loved about Nichole’s writing is how she captures the faulty thought process of teens. Basically they’ve been on earth long enough to be given responsibilities, like a paper route, but at 14 have been navigating the world without parental interference for less than 4 years. In terms of making decisions, like what to do if a guy is stalking you on your paper route, they don’t have a very complex understanding of the world and the adults within it.

Pitched for age group 12+, I happily enjoyed it at age 30+. I think it would be a great book club book for those groups of mom-daughters who need fictional accounts to have conversations about boys, sex, trust, bullying, divorce and behaviour that is ok.

Girl #3 is a fast-paced novel about 14-year-old Syd and a guy who stalks her on her paper route. It’s about about her fury at friends’ betrayals over boys, boys’ betrayals over sexual innocence, the betrayals of adults who don’t take teens seriously and the perceived betrayal of parents divorcing.

Girl #3 by Nichole McGill on Amazon
Published by Key Porter Books

Book Review: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a fantastic read. I thought the writing for Kite Runner was also strong but I hated the protagonist. Mariam in A Thousand Splendid Suns, however, is much more likable. Born to unwed parents, Mariam is disappointed by her mother and disillusioned by her father, who eventually sells her to a despicable man many times her age.

Hmm, more background required right?

A Thousand Splendid Suns is set during the volatile events of Afghanistan’s last 30 years. We see through Mariam’s eyes the Soviet invasion, the reign of the Taliban and the post-Taliban rebuilding. Our second main character is Laila, younger than Mariam and the second wife. She joins the family due to a series of unfortunate events.

Khaled Hosseini’s second novel is exceptional. The violence and fear is barely in balance with the hope and faith. The story is intimate, disturbing, jarring and remarkable in its representation of the personal lives of those who suffer at the hands of others.

A tightly written story for sure and definitely worth reading.

Book Review: The Virgin’s Tale by Sherri Smith

imageRome, 63 BC.

Aemilia is 6 and offered to the state as a Vestal Virgin. She’s 1 of 6 hand-picked women who symbolically protect the Roman Republic. You know that any book that opens with the girl being thrown into a tomb during the reign of Caesar is going to be a story full of peril.

We have moral sin. Death. Sacrificed animals. Girl-on-girl kisses (the innocent kind actually). Punishment by entombment in the latrine. Slaves. Virgins. Betrayal. Friendship. Love.

Author Sherri Smith lives in Winnipeg, MB. This is her first novel and it’s really well written. I think it’s a nice crossover novel. Great for adults and teens.

Simon & Schuster has a brand new website. Check out the book summary.

Book Review: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne


John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is one of those books that is both charming and profound.

Young Bruno lives a wealthy lifestyle in Pre-war Germany along with his mother, elder sister, and army Commandant father. The Fury has great things planned for Father.

So great that the family is transferred to a house next door to Out-with so Father can work.

Bruno hates the harsh environment that is so different from the liveliness of Berlin, his grandmother and friends. It doesn’t seem to be the best place for his mother and sister either. Mom starts yelling and taking liquid treatments (boozing it up) and the sister is doing an awful lot of hair flips for the cocky solider who ruffles Bruno’s hair.

Let to his own devices, Bruno starts to explore and finds one of the boys in the striped pajamas who he can see from his upstairs window. Bruno is painfully naive by today’s standards but if you’d never heard of Nazi Germany and concentration camps, the holocaust, and it was the 40s and children had a place, then naivety in these matters can be forgiven. Bruno faces the boy in the striped pajamas who is on the other side of the fence and he makes friends. Just as two boys out in the woods should do.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a haunting little tale about fences that should always be crossed and ones that should never be encountered.

And there’s a movie version but really, read the book.

Book Review: A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

imageA Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick is a great novel. I read it in 2 days. The plot is a little bit dark, there’s a small mystery, an unanticipated twist and a satisfying ending.

Rural Wisconsin, 1909.

Successful iron and oil man Ralph Truitt has put out an advertisement for a reliable wife. He’s spent 20 years getting over his first wife, the death of his daughter and the estrangement of his son. Life is lonely and he has a glimmer of hope that a reliable wife will at least allow him some joy and a warm body to sleep beside.

Catherine Land arrives in the railcar that Truitt has sent to collect her. A tramp, a whore, a conniving wench. Catherine is not at all like the photo she sent (that’s because it’s not of her) nor is she all that Truitt expected. She is however more than he bargained for, and in a good way.

But he doesn’t realize that at first. The bitter cold of the Wisconsin winter means that he can’t leave her on the platform so he takes her home in order to figure out what to do. Catherine is playing her pious, reliable wife role really well but Truitt knows she’s a liar. He just doesn’t know to what extent.

A Reliable Wife is certainly a reliable read. There some gentle bodice ripping, betrayals and twists of fate and interlaced story lines. I think ultimately it’s a novel about love and forgiveness. Each character does some unforgiveable things only to realize in the end that they were loved despite their faults.

Oh and there’s a poisoning. But I don’t want to give too much away.

Browse Inside: A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick.

Have a look at A Reliable Wife on

BookingMama has a much better review than I’ve been able to throw down in 5 minutes so please read more about the book here.

Book Review: The Nature of Economies by Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs is perhaps best known for The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), which is where her arguments and observations on economies first came to light for the masses. The Nature of Economies is an extension of Jacobs’ assertion that economies mimic natural systems in the way they grow, and, if we are clever human beings, we’ll understand that in order to understand economies, we need to understand ecology. Ecology being the basic premise of the book, basically that human beings exist wholly within nature as part of natural order in every respect.

Early on in the text, Jacobs sets up this relationship by illustrating that economy is derived from two Greek roots: oiko meaning “house” and nomy meaning “management.” House management. Ecology comes from the same root for “house,” plus the root logy for “logic” or “knowledge.” Ecology then literally means “house knowledge.” Ecology then is the economy of nature. (p. 10)

So what have we learned from nature? What does nature tell us about economies?

In the foreword, Jacobs establishes the above literary tradition of didactic dialogue. Her approach is to use imaginary characters and didactic dialogue so readers understand complex arguments as they develop between the characters. In this way, we, the readers, are part of the process, perhaps even part of the ecology of the text.

The characters are inconsequential but their arguments are worth noting.

Differentiation Emerging from Generality (p. 16)
The nature of development, either in nature or economies, is that differentiations emerge from generalities. For example, the solar system at one time emerged as a cloud of matter, a generality. Differentiations emerged, including the sun, planets and their moons. Once Earth emerged as a differentiation, it became a new generality from which further differentiations could emerge. Cars emerged and then sedans and hatchbacks and so on.

Differentiations Become Generalities from which Further Differentiations Emerge (p. 17)
“Development is an open-ended process, which creates complexity and diversity, because multiplied generalities are sources of multiplied differentiations, some occurring simultaneously in parallel, others in successions.” In other words, repetition creates diversity. For example, “various kinds of mammalian feet were differentiated from unspecialized feet of early mammals, which had five generalized toes with claws, apparently much like the unspecialized feet of modern rats.” Differentiations emerged such as hooves, wings, flippers, paws, and hands.

This all seems elementary unless you consider that as recent as Aristotle, we believed that a human embryo began as a tiny infant rather than as a combination of cells. Or that there are those among us to vehemently believe that the world and its creatures began as stated in Genesis.

In truth, there are many economists who believe in economies of scale but Jacobs contends that economic advantage is based on much more than scale.

Development Depends on Co-Development (p. 19)
Development is a web of interdependent co-developments. Planets need the sun to hold their orbits, a delta needs both water and silt, and economies need trading and self-refueling. Trade is differentiated from sharing and seizing. Trade furthers economic differentiations in transportation, communication, finance, and markets. How? Because trade relies on telephones, printing, transportation, these are co-developments. Nothing develops in isolation.

For examples, we look to Detroit (p. 79).

“Detroit’s economy had actually been excellent at generating exports and replacing wide ranges and many chains of imports until its most successful export work, automobile manufacturing, came to dominate the city’s economy. By the mid-1920s, the city’s versatility had gone in reverse.”

Independent local suppliers to the car industry disappeared as car manufacturers started filling their own supply needs internally. This meant that independent suppliers, who were also developing nonautomotive sidelines disappeared. The economy of Detroit has no way to refuel itself. It’s the snake eating its tail.

The once-admired industrial integration and efficiency of the auto industry is now reeling in economic stagnation. The co-developments for growth are missing. But instead of a bifurcation the auto industry is looking for subsidies.

Bifurcation means fork, like a fork in the road. When we recognize the system’s instabilities are so serious that continuing to operate on this path is foolish, we make a radical change, we take a fork in the road, we bifurcate. For example, we build subways when surface streets can no longer accommodate traffic, we build elevators when buildings reach a certain height, and a long time ago we domesticated animals and stopped moving around so much. But bifurcations have complex consequences that are usually not known at the time of their adoption. We chose cars over horses, which got rid of feces in the streets but created carbon dioxide in the air.

On the one hand, we don’t know the consequences of bifurcations, on the other, we know that in order for bifurcations to be successful, they have to come at the right time. The alternatives needs to be waiting in the wings otherwise it’s too late for the system to correct itself with the bifurcation. It will fail. For example let’s support wind energy, solar energy, and geothermal energy so that when fossil fuels are done, or too expensive or too great a load on the system, the alternatives are healthy, thriving industries ready to increase capacity.

So how do we know when we need change and development? Through the effective response to feedback, “information regarding a system that the system both reports and responds to” (p. 95). Still we must report and respond to the right data. Canadians overfished the Grand Banks by allowing fish stocks to decrease and fishing trawlers and net sizes to increase, and by subsidizing that practice. It was an illogical response to economic demands in the 1960s. But we continue these vicious circles by twinning the Port Mann Bridge, for example. During rush hours the roads become congested. The information, or feedback, we report and respond to comes in the form of traffic jams and longer travel times. Is the logical response to widen streets and build more roads? Or is it that we depend too heavily on cars and trucks and instead should look to alternative means for moving people and goods? Or should we be rethinking of our cities, which currently separate everyday conveniences from home and home from work? (p. 100)

What economic concept do we still learn in first year? It has to do with supply and demand and the question of whether supply generates demand or demand generates supply. Jacobs suggests we look at how systems self-refuel, at the patterns of development and co-development, at positive feedback loops that allow us to choose bifurcations at the right time to correct instabilities in the system.

Is there hope? Of course.

Jacobs expounds the traits that have managed to prevent us from destroying the world to date. For one, we should celebrate our capacity for aesthetic appreciation. Our admiration for nature is documented as far back as human history is recorded, cave paintings of sun, animals, plants, and oceans. Let’s tap into that. Two, fear of retribution for transgressions is healthy: whether you’re praying to the rain god or following Stephan Dion’s carbon plan, fear and awe of powers beyond our control help us understand the significance of our habitat on our daily lives. And three, relish language for it is our ability to warn and persuade as elegantly and forcibly as Jacobs does that could save us all.

As one of the characters notes, ”Working along with natural principles of development, expansion, sustainability and correction, people can create economies that are more reliably prosperous than those we have now and that are also more harmonious with the rest of nature.”

The Nature of Economies by Jane Jacob is published by Random House Canada.

And here’s a much more critical review of the book and a sample of the first chapter from NYTimes.

Book Review: Wallpaper* City Guides

Wallpaper* City Guide: London 2008

Phaidon has a great series of city guides. I used the Cairo one on my trip and it was fantastic for restaurant recommendations and for giving a different perspective on the architecture, art and culture of the place.

I highly recommend these as supplemental guides. Not a great replacement for your full-blown guide book, but definitely necessary reading in advance of the trip, good for nightlife planning, and perfect as small, pocket-sized gems that you can easily cart around while on tour.

A full range of stars for these city guides.

Book Review: Fugitives by Suzanne Jacob

Fugitives by Suzanne Jacob is a novel translated by Sheila Fischman, who must be the best French-English translator in Canada.

Suzanne Jacob is a major voice in Quebec fiction and I wanted to read her latest (the 7th) novel. Fugitives is the story of four generations of women who are trying to escape the madness of their families. These are children who are taken advantage of by adults, children finding their way sexually, children finding their place in the world.

The chapters switch between different points of view and although it is evokative and mysterious, I didn’t quite get into this story. It’s a novel of the mind, in this case the minds of four women.

A worthwhile read, but I did have to stick with it.

Fugitives by Suzanne Jacob
translated by Sheila Fischman
published by Thomas Allen Publishers

The Tales of Beedle Bard by JK Rowling

The Tales of Beedle Bard by JK Rowling (Collector’s Edition) arrived today. It was as cool as opening a package from Apple. Thank you Jo!

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Opening the box. The gift case is bigger than I expected. I also saw the regular edition in the store and was hoping this would be spectacular by far. It is.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Slipping off the case cover, you have a big leathery book hallowed out with a side pocket for your Beedle the Bard reproductions of the prints and the velvety pouch with The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

I chose to look at the prints first. Love the skull.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Lots of great sketches. A whole envelope.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The fountain is my favourite. I might frame this one.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

In case you need to be taunted, here’s the gift package.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The Gryffindor red and gold embroidered pouch containing the tales.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Gasping. The title page is beautiful. I love it.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Jo’s handwritten introduction.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The rest of the book looks like Cochin Wizard (?) to me. (That’s a font.) It’s awesome. Cute metal clasp. There are more photos to come. Can’t talk now … reading.


The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Opening the box from Amazon.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

This side up.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The Tales cover.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The book also smells good.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Marbled end papers.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

The title page. Still gorgeous every time I open the book. Loving this present.

Book Review: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

“All morning I struggled with the sensation of stray wisps of one world seeping through the cracks of another. Do you know the feeling when you start reading a new book before the membrane of the last one has had time to close behind you? You leave the previous book with ideas and themes–characters even–caught on the fibres of your clothes, and when you open the new book they are still with you. Well, it was like that. All day I had been put to distractions. Thoughts, memories, feelings, irrelevant fragments of my own life, playing havoc with my concentration.”

The Thirteenth Tale is one of those wildly popular books that I failed to read when it was first published. I wanted to but I also wanted to wait until I had only the vaguest recollections of what reviewers said. And what I recall is only that the book was considered a success in North America but not so in Britain. It was too British for the British, or some such rubbish.

It is a fine novel. Margaret Lea, book shop clerk and amateur biographer, is commissioned by Vida Winter, famous British novelist, to write her biography. Why? It’s all unclear until the end so I won’t spoil it for you.

I was pulled into the plot twists of the biography Winter was detailing for Lea, who insisted on only writing the truth. The truth is always fascinating, especially when given in autobiography.

The setting is Angelfield, a small town where twins are born to Isabelle, who’s not quite right. It’s a story of abandonment: the abandonment of children by parents who are unable to care for them, it is the abandonment of children by carefree parents who don’t understand children, and it’s the separation and reunification of the twins and their caregivers.

Lots of interesting loops and very much like a fairy tale.

As Vida Winter says, “my gripe is not with lovers of the truth but with truth herself. What succour, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. The soothing, rocking safety of a lie.”

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