imageGirl #3 by Nichole McGill is a great literary, thriller about a girl who is almost abducted. It can be scary being a kid, a girl in particular. What I loved about Nichole’s writing is how she captures the faulty thought process of teens. Basically they’ve been on earth long enough to be given responsibilities, like a paper route, but at 14 have been navigating the world without parental interference for less than 4 years. In terms of making decisions, like what to do if a guy is stalking you on your paper route, they don’t have a very complex understanding of the world and the adults within it.

Pitched for age group 12+, I happily enjoyed it at age 30+. I think it would be a great book club book for those groups of mom-daughters who need fictional accounts to have conversations about boys, sex, trust, bullying, divorce and behaviour that is ok.

Girl #3 is a fast-paced novel about 14-year-old Syd and a guy who stalks her on her paper route. It’s about about her fury at friends’ betrayals over boys, boys’ betrayals over sexual innocence, the betrayals of adults who don’t take teens seriously and the perceived betrayal of parents divorcing.

Girl #3 by Nichole McGill on Amazon
Published by Key Porter Books