Tara (aka Miss Rogue) over at HorsePigCow and I have a shared experience.

As an Indigo customer, I received an email note about Indigo’s new social networking site. You create your profile and then create lists of favourite books and join friends and do other social things on their platform.

My problem is that it’s on their platform and I already do the same things on Amazon. Now I should do them on both I assume because some of my readers buy from Amazon and some from Indigo. [Being cheeky: Thank goodness the independents aren’t on board with this whole social net thing.]

Wow, a lot of work for me as the blogger and friendly book girl. Redundancy department of redundancy.

But, I still want to applaud Indigo for making attempts in this area. I haven’t had a good chance to kick the tires, but it was super easy to login and update my profile. That’s a good start.

Where do you go to see this new site?

Check out Tara’s experience–same letter, same site, but she has a personal experience to share about trying to pitch this idea to Indigo years ago.
Here’s the post Chapters-Indigo Goes Social.