The good folks at Geist are running their 3rd annual Geist Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest.

(I know, for postcard fiction, they could have picked a shorter contest title, but it’s a good contest nonetheless.)

There’s big money to be had in postcard fiction:
1st Prize: $250, 2nd Prize: $150, 3rd Prize: $100

Postcard fiction is one of my favourite formats, perhaps I will bore you sometime with my entries from previous years, which have never graced the honourable mentions, then you can tell me they suck by your silence or cautionary feedback, i.e., “stick with the day job.”

Enough rambling, go to the Geist website for the contest details.

In a nutshell, mail Geist a postcard and write max. 500 words (fiction or non-fiction) that in some way relates to the image on your postcard.

Here are last year’s winners.