So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Bloggers Fill Out This Survey

In February, my buddy Darren Barefoot is speaking at Northern Voice on ìWhy We Blogî.

He’s got a quick survey of 16 questions and wants feedback from bloggers.

There are prizes to be won and he’s not the type of guy to resell your info or spam you.

Back to the prizes, 1 winner for each prize, all are randomly selected, chance to win:

* iPod Shuffle
* Two Lonely Planet booksñMicronations and Experimental Travel
* CAN $50 gift certificate for linking to

Do the survey.

Visit a Library in SecondLife

Librarians–the coolest, geekiest, tech-tripped-out people I know–are in SecondLife. Second Life Library 2.0

This week on Info Island there are a number of interesting projects and developments:
– The Caledon branch has a book discussion on Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott, “a tale of Love, Honor, Bravery, Derring-do and Chivalry.
– The Genealogy Center has a presentation by a professional genealogical and historical researcher, Craig Roberts Scott.
– Info Island II has a Marie Antoinette exhibit.
– You can meet SL’s medical librarian, Namro Orman, who in real life is Guus van den Brekel, the Coordinator for Electronic Services of the Central Medical Library at the University Medical Center, Groningen (UMCG), in the Netherlands.

Check out the Info Island blog at

The Tyee Drums Up Attention for Net Neutrality Issues in Canada

The Tyee has an extensive article on why net neutrality needs more attention in Canada. Quick save the internet!
Digg this story.

On January 17, Bryan Zandberg wrote an article on The Tyee about net neutrality and the lack of attention this issue is getting in Canada.

Quote: Canada Sleeps Through War to ‘Save the Internet’
Pitched battle in U.S. over ‘net neutrality’
Digital democracy at risk if telecoms get their way say opponents.

What’s Net Neutrality?
It’s the internet as we know and love. A data network that does not discrimate or allow degraded service for one group of people (or companies) over another. Meaning, downloading a video from YouTube is the same as downloading a video from CNN and the same as downloading it from my website. Same costs, same amount of time for you as a user–same costs and time for me, CNN and YouTube to upload the info. It’s neutral.

The controversy is that the telcos want to create tiered service. So maybe CNN pays the telecos a bunch of money to get preferred service but YouTube doesn’t. For you as a user, you can quickly download video from CNN but try my website or YouTube and churn, churn, churn.

There’s not a good reason for hierarchical service. There’s not a shortage of bandwidth. There’s just a shortage of ideas within telcos on how they can make more money.

My explanation is less sound than those in The Tyee.

Read the article here.

Or at least read these highlights:
Quote: ‘In 2005, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) redefined “broadband,” recasting it as an information, rather than a telecommunication, service.

‘ “It sounds like an innocuous change, but it isn’t,” explains Ben Scott, a spokesperson for net neutrality for Free Press, a media democracy NGO based in Washington, D.C. With the stroke of a pen, Scott says the decision undid the entire regulatory regime attached to telecom services, thrusting them into “a category that has virtually no regulations.”

‘Whereas previously telcos were legally obliged to deliver packets of bits and bytes blindly, as an information service that restriction was no longer in force. This opened the door for what Scott calls a “CEOs-go-to-Wall-Street” scenario: almost immediately, the major carriers began to toy with the idea of creating a two-tier Internet, replete with a fast-track for content creators willing to pay for preferential service, and a slow lane for everyone else.

‘Just like in the States, net neutrality in Canada hovers in a state of legal limbo; the threadbare language of the Telecommunications Act means that two-tier Internet is more than a distant possibility; it’s already here.

‘[Kevin] McArthur goes further. He says companies are in effect creating a problem so they can charge to fix it. “[Even] if everyone paid for a tier-one service, it would be THE EXACT SAME service we have today,” he wrote by e-mail. “Quality of service only works while someone else is getting screwed.”

‘”It’s an attempt to extract more rent out of your server,” [Michael]Geist summarizes, “even if it comes at the expense of both their users’ interests and the broader interest of the Internet as a whole.”‘

Request for Safe Travel

imageNorthern Voice is offering six travel bursaries of CAN $500 each. I would like one.

I live in Vancouver, which means that technically I don’t need a bursary. I don’t have to come down from Prince George. I don’t have to take a ferry. I don’t have to do anything aside from hop on a bus out to the conference or catch a ride with someone. BUT … I still want a bursary.

What’s the deal you ask? Is she just a greedy guts? Hell no.

I know that all sorts of great people come to the conference each year, and each year, we’re so crazy to hang out with each other that, at the last minute, we plan parties and after-conference events. We go for dinner, we go for drinks, we go to hang out.

I would like to buy a bunch of taxi cards so that people who have been drinking can see me for a taxi card. Whether they’re going home, to a hotel, wherever, I want to make sure my fab friends–new and old–get around safely.

My request for the $500 bursary is for safe travel in Vancouver.

What can I contribute to the conference? My smiling face. I have been to all the Northern Voice conferences. I bring experience. I bring interesting questions. And I bring a desire to help new bloggers figure out the whole blogging thing. I’m bilingual–I speak geek and regular joe, second life and first life. I like to talk to people and I also like to help. If you need a gopher on the day. I’m there for you.

3-Day Novel Contest Gets Its Groove On on YouTube

Absolutely fantastic!

The first three minutes of the 3-Day Novel Contest: The Series is available at YouTube and at

Here are the links:
Watch it on YouTube

Watch it on

3-Day Novel Contest is an annual marathon to write a novel in 3 days. The winner gets a publishing contract. September 2007 is the 30th anniversary of the contest and as promo BookTelevision has created a mini series based on 12 writers from last year’s contest.

The 12 writers holed up in an Edmonton Chapters for 3 days, writing their novels, sleeping and eating, doing word challenges and competing against the clock.

This is reality TV with enough of tongue-in-cheek to work for me. BookTV is really hitting the right notes with this promo. It’s from a trusted source (I was sent an email from a friend, and I like BookTV), it’s a message tailored to my interests, and it’s funny enough that I want to pass it on–so it’s viral. Those are the top 3 requirements for this type of online campaign to work. I’m a fan. Good work.

Here’s the plug for the TV series (although I hope they continue to release teasers before the show airs and then post the entire segment after):

The 3-Day Novel Contest – The Series airs on:

Sundays starting February 4th @ 9:30pm ET / 7:30pm MT

Tuesdays starting February 6th @ 8:00pm MT

Wednesdays starting February 7th @ 9:00pm ET / 7:00pm MT

Another Announcement: Get a Travel Bursary for Northern Voice

Northern Voice is a two-day, non-profit personal blogging conference that’s being held at the UBC main campus, Vancouver, on February 23-24, 2007.

This is the 3rd annual incarnation of this event. I’ve been to the first two and enjoyed the variety of speakers and the chance to meet other bloggers. I highly recommend the conference, in particular to new bloggers. announced 6 travel bursaries:

Quote: This year Northern Voice is offering six travel bursaries of CAN $500 each. The organizing committee will be awarding these bursaries based on a number of criteria, including:

* The contributions you can make to the conference
* Your level of need
* The quality of your submission
* The diversity you might bring to Northern Voice

Weíll announce the recipients of the bursaries on February 2nd, 2007. The bursaries will be paid out via cheque mailed out to recipients or picked up on the day of the conference.

To apply, write a blog post, or record a podcast or video blog post describing why you want to come to Northern Voice. Then submit it via our travel bursaries page.

No excuses not to come!

Now a real announcement: A job posting for Digital Marketing Manager

HarperCollins Canada has an immediate opening for a Digital Marketing Manager. I’ve met Steve Osgoode several times and have admired the Harper Collins’ online program from afar. If you’re in Toronto or want to be, and you have experience in books and online marketing, apply now. Details below.

As Digital Marketing Manager, the successful applicant will be responsible for:


– Develop digital marketing plans for select Canadian, US and UK titles
– Manage online advertising campaigns for titles and authors
– Co-ordinate the development and production of new website builds for key brands, authors and series, and market these sites to build traffic and loyalty
– Working with the marketing associates, schedule content and features for and other corporate sites
– Supported by the IT department, ensure data and images are provided to online retail partners and other third-party sites
– Develop strategies to further increase traffic to all of HarperCollins Canada’s corporate websites
– Strengthen existing relationships with online reviewers/editors, service providers, and other partners, and actively build new partnerships to open fresh opportunities
– Monitor and analyse all website metrics and provide regular reporting to specific departments as well as the company at large
– Review, evaluate and provide recommendations for online campaign activities and reports to understand successes and develop future plans

Relevant Skills

– At least 3-4 years marketing experience
– Demonstrated acumen in developing online initiatives and websites
– Highly self-motivated, with a strong creative bent, and excellent copywriting skills
– Knowledge of HTML (and/or ability to use a web-editing program) as well as web analytic software
– Confidence and adaptability in using new content management tools and database systems
– Good communications skills, and ability to work well in a collaborative environment
– Must be detail-oriented, well-organized and able to set priorities and meet deadlines under pressure

If you are looking for an exciting and challenging opportunity please email a cover letter and resume to dianne.aquilina at harpercollins dot com.

Please be advised that we can only contact those who are selected for an interview.

Deadline for submissions is January 26, 2007.

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