So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Book Review: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

The stories we tell ourselves and others is how we make sense of the world.

In searching for who said the above quote I came across, “Stories are the most important thing in the world. Without stories, we wouldn’t be human beings at all” (Philip Pullman).

I was searching for the origins of these quotes in reference to Neil Gaiman’s novel American Gods. Gaiman has written a book of stories, myths and legends that collide and at times are at war.

American Gods are the gods who have come to America in the minds of its immigrants. Odin, Easter, Ganesh, Anansi. The ancient gods are the left to their own devices, poised to disappeared as they are pushed out by America’s newest gods. The ones we make sacrifices to daily: TV, big cars, the internet, warfare in the name of liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Both worlds become Shadow’s world. Shadow, who did time for assaulting his bank-robbing partners for cheating him of his share of the proceeds, who is hired by Wednesday to rally the old gods against the new, and Shadow, who represents our look into the shadows. Gaiman asks us to take a closer look at the things that sometimes catch the corner of our eye. The things that we hope not to be true, but deeply believe to exist.

As our protagonist, it is Shadow’s job to make sense of this world. To tell the story. To sort things out. To know under which cup the nut is, into which hand the coin drops.

I enjoyed this book.

Anansi Boys is still my favourite, maybe because I read it first. But American Gods is one of those novels that will hang in my mind like a remembered dream.

I wanted to write about the power of narrative, how it informs what we do, how we understand ourselves, our country, our beliefs. Instead of telling you my story, why don’t you read this one.

Get an Insider’s Look at Publishing Books

The fine folks at Random House have created, which I thought was fantastic from the beginning. It’s a bit of a virtual book club/library/aggregation of cool book things.

Today I received an email promoting new stuff on the site: podcasts, sneak peaks at upcoming publications, author interviews. It was an ok newsletter–clean design, easy to read. It’s a great way to remind me to check out the site. But what intrigued me to click through to the site was “Let our insiders give you a window into the publishing industry.” It’s a great set of blog posts from employees. The first is from Marion Garner, publisher of Vintage Canada, who writes about one of her titles being an Oprah pick, or “Oprahtunity” as she calls it.

Fun Stuff. Check out the site.

Finalists for the Writersí Trust Awards were announced today. The nominees include my picks: Rawi Hage, Kenneth J. Harvey, and Noah Richler.

The Writersí Trust Awards are one of the largest awards moneywise that fiction and non-fiction writers can receive. There are 8 awards in total and they will be presented on Wednesday, March 7, in Toronto at a gala-gala do.

Total prize money is $123,000. Bang zoom.

Quote: The press release says:
“This yearís nominated titles chronicle the richness of life in Canada and around the globe. The novels are set amidst Tokyoís vibrant nightlife, Lebanonís civil war, and Ireland during the calamitous Potato Famine. There are memoirs that take readers back to a 1930s Mennonite farming community, to the destabilization and eventual collapse of Yugoslavia, and to 1949, when a fearless young woman travelled on horseback from Quebec to the West Coast.”

Book lovers have the chance to win a set of this yearís nominated titles by visiting Goodness knows where on the site you go to find out how to enter. It’s a poorly designed site with a lot of images and crazy navigation.

If you want to enter, let me save you to the trouble of finding the details: To enter, email your name and address to

More about the Awards

Peter Behrens (Brooklin, Maine) for The Law of Dreams, published by House of Anansi Press
Rawi Hage (Montreal) for DeNiroís Game, published by House of Anansi Press ** I want Rawi to win. **
Catherine Hanrahan (Vancouver) for Lost Girls and Love Hotels, published by Viking Canada
Kenneth J. Harvey (Burnt Head, Newfoundland) for Inside, published by Random House Canada ** I want to read this book.**
Mary Lawson (Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom) for The Other Side of the Bridge, published by Knopf Canada

Charlotte Gray (Ottawa) for Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell, published by HarperCollins Publishers: A Phyllis Bruce Book
Barbara Kingscote (Innisfail, Alberta) for Ride the Rising Wind: One Womanís Journey Across Canada, published by NeWest Press
Noah Richler (Toronto) for This Is My Country, Whatís Yours? A Literary Atlas of Canada, published by McClelland & Stewart **Great event at the Vancouver Writers Festival. Go Noah. **
Dragan Todorovic (Coventry, United Kingdom) for The Book of Revenge: A Blues for Yugoslavia, published by Random House Canada
Rudy Wiebe (Edmonton) for Of This Earth: A Mennonite Boyhood in the Boreal Forest, published by Knopf Canada

(The Journey Prize recognizes the best short story or excerpt from a novel-in-progress by a new and developing writer.)
Heather Birrell (Toronto) for ìBriannaSusannaAlana,î published in The New Quarterly
Lee Henderson (Vancouver) for ìConjugation,î published in Border Crossings
Martin West (Calgary) for ìCretacea,î published in PRISM international

Two Talks on the Future of Books

The Evolution of Reading and Writing in the Networked Era
Wednesday February 21, 2007 at 5.00 pm
Room 3875, SFU Surrey Campus, 3rd floor Central City Tower
More details here.

Thinkubator, the SFU Master of Publishing’s website, announced this event. Bob Stein is the director of the Institute for the Future of the Book

Digitization and the Future of Canadian Publishing
Toronto, Canada — 20 & 21 March, 2007
Register by February 9 for only $75 + GST!
More details here

BookNet Canada, the publishing industry body that finally brought us point of sale data, is presenting this talk.

Read Lawrence Hill for Black History Month

Over the past couple of years I’ve noticed a more concerted effort by Canadians to actually celebrate Black History month. In my imagination at least, Black History month was more prominent in the US and not something Canadians reflected upon too much. Perhaps it’s a matter of where I live in Canada. Asian Heritage month in Vancouver is widely publicized, however, this is the first year I’ve seen media pointedly remarking on Black History month.

To that end, I’d like to recommend Lawrence Hill’s latest novel The Book of Negroes. I haven’t read it yet, but a friend recommended it last week and I was intrigued by a Montreal Gazette article this weekend.

Quote: Donna Bailey Nurse, Montreal Gazette, February 3, 2007:

The Book of Negroes: Author Lawrence Hill is passionate about black Canadian history and is the Canadian novelist whose work most articulately and imaginatively explains what the history of slavery has to do with us Canadians. He is a touch exasperated by how little we still seem to know about our black past, how desperately we cling to the image of Canada as a refuge for slaves. “It is a myth that Canada was simply the Promised Land and nothing else.” Hill explains. “How typically Canadian that we don’t even know the very first back-to-Africa movement is coming from Canadian shores,” muses Hill. “We Canadians had the first back-to-Africa movement in the world,” says Hill. “And that is just such a fascinating story.” —Read the article.

Event Announcement: Giles Slade Author of Made to Break

Wednesday, January 31, 7:30 pm
Presentation on Made to Break by Giles Slade

Alma Van Dusen Room, VPL, Central Library, 350 W. Georgia

Giles Slade, who I’ve written about before, will speak at the Vancouver Public Library next week on tackling the problem of e-waste and the inception of our culture of consumption and waste.

Quote: From: Harvard University Press, the publisher:

Made to Break is a history of twentieth-century technology as seen through the prism of obsolescence. America invented everything that is now disposable, Giles Slade tells us, and he explains how disposability was in fact a necessary condition for America’s rejection of tradition and our acceptance of change and impermanence. His book shows us the ideas behind obsolescence at work in such American milestones as the inventions of branding, packaging, and advertising; the contest for market dominance between GM and Ford; the struggle for a national communications network, the development of electronic technologies–and with it the avalanche of electronic consumer waste that will overwhelm America’s landfills and poison its water within the coming decade.

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