So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Better Books: Part 1

A many-part series, “Better Books” looks at the book publishing industry’s challenges, successes and promises from a technology perspective.

Question 1

The Canadian book publishing market faces particular challenges:

– A saturated book market
– Canadian geography
– Diminishing in-store placement
– Diminishing book coverage in traditional media channels

What are some of the innovative ways for book publishers to meet these challenges?

Tough question. I’m making Dan answer that.

Quote: Wow. Where to start?

Technology does provide a lot of opportunities for publishers,- we always talk about Google Books and online retailers. Then there’s all that web 2.0 + wizardry that can help publishers connect to readers. BookNet gives them all sorts of sales numbers that weren’t available before… But you’re far more informed about this stuff than me.

Dan attempts to cop out of answering the question. No such luck.

Quote: In any case, I think the tech innovations are only going to work if the book industry does everything else better than it does already. I mean they don’t really address the underlying problems, you know?

Technology is only part of the solution,- it’s great and all, but it’s like thinking we can save the planet with a few wind turbines when it’s our everyday behaviour that needs to change! We all get over-excited about technology (that we don’t really understand because we’re all Arts majors) when actually we should be worrying about the way we do business,

Wait, I’m an Arts major!

I think Dan is suggesting that lots of people talk the talk but have never seen the walk, don’t understand the walk, and in some cases don’t even want to walk.

This is our collective demand for better books. Dan’s right that technology is a part solution. The technology is about changes to behaviour — publishers’ ability to track sales, to supply electronic data to retailers, to cut costs by creating digital assets instead of physical assets– but it’s not the be-all and end-all problem solver.

We still have a saturated book market. Technology can help us filter through the crap to find what we want, but maybe we just need less books, but also better books.

Technology doesn’t make Canadian geography any different. We still live in a country who’s commercial centres are spread apart. Shipping a book from Ontario to BC takes time. Vancouver to Halifax by truck–technology can’t really help you. It can help tell you where between those two points your package was last seen.

Diminishing in-store placement is still a problem. Stores’ websites don’t really mimic the front-of-store table in the same way. You can email me about new books. I can see them on the home page. I can see that people who liked x also liked y. But it’s not the same as walking into a store and seeing a huge stack of books. Glossy covers. Textures. Other people picking up books that catch our eye.

And then there’s diminishing book coverage in traditional media channels. Does it help that there are so many book blogs. Sure. But do people still look to mass media and bestseller lists. Yes, lots of people do.

But back to that wise crack about Arts majors. The best thing about Arts majors is our ability to think critically. Dan doesn’t want to sound like a “know-it-all-smartass-smarty-pants,” but, secretly, I assure you he is.

Quote: I’m a publicist not a CEO for heaven’s sake, I’m very low on the food chain, but for me a lot of the challenges come from our inability to get the basic stuff right… We’d rather pin unrealistic hopes on the internet and moan about all stuff we can’t change instead.

So what are those unrealistic hopes?

That with the right email campaign, or website or copy on Amazon, we can connect niche books to potential readers. The challenge Dan and I often talk about is that the resource allocations are not always spot-on and sometimes despite the best-laid plans, a book is just crap. Technology or a fine PR campaign can’t solve that problem.

We’re aiming for results not effort.

We want better books.

Dan and I will explore what better books means in upcoming posts.

Happy BC Book and Mag Week.

Better Books: A Series on the Challenges of Book Publishing

In the spirit of BC Book and Magazine Week, I have a books and technology series for you.

I’m not sure if this is the right name for it, but I’m calling it “Better Books”. Despite the industry’s many challenges, the greatest is to produce better books. Better in terms of quality, but also in terms of distribution, format, discoverability. Better … define it how you wish.

My friend Dan and I are often debating the merits and demerits of certain book campaigns, the industry’s interest in technology and publishers’ participation on the “interweb”. For the next couple of weeks you’ll see our thoughts on book publishers’ challenges, ebooks, digital content, promotional opportunities and similarities to other cultural industries.

This post will be updated with links to the rest of the series. We start on Monday.

BC Book and Magazine Week is April 21 to 28, 2007

BC Book and Magazine Week

BC Book and Magazine Week is coming up!

If you’re interested in BC Books and Magazines then this is the the blog for you:

The blog rocks. Great interesting content about what’s going on during BC Book and Mag week. Lots of events. Lots of photos. Lots of coolness.

Go publishing!

Find out about:
* The Main Street Shuffle
* The North Shore Writers Festival
* BC Book Prizes Soire

Here is a PDF of events for BC Book and Mag week: bc-book-events.pdf

I definitely recommend coming to The BC Book Prizes Soire

Saturday, April 21
7:00 pm, 9:00 pm
The Lookout at Harbour Centre, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

Live music by Ron Johnston. Tasty treats from Salt Tasting Room. Prize giveaways. A silent auction. A spectacular view.

Mix and mingle with the publishing and writing community, and be the first to learn who wins the fourth annual Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence.

Here’s the website for details.

Aimee and the Great Cat-Sit

Aimee looking smartJames and I are cat-sitting Aimee the Great. She’s very sweet but also very clever. In 5 days she has managed to quietly take over our home. Those soft purrs and head butts have turned into a full-scale claiming of all things. I’m thankful that cats are not like dogs, they don’t pee on things to claim them. Cats, however, do their own thing. The rub.

Every corner, book edge, plant pot, sofa pillow, wall, knee, and ankle have been rubbed and re-rubbed. She’s quite assertively suggesting that we are now hers.

There’s such a fine line between master and slave.

Blogging and PR

“What goes up, always comes around,” as James’ grandmother likes to say.

I think this is true for the blogosphere. There was the “up”, everyone talking about blogs, how great blogs are , how horrid blogs are, the uptake of corporate blogging, the integration of blogs in journalism and news sites, the … add your up here …

Now there’s the “come around”. Things are leveling out, we’re starting to understand the roles blogs play in assisting with corporate identity, as focus groups, compliant centres and positive feedback loops, as … add your come around here …

Today I read some great posts on PR, blogs and the news. For my reference and yours, here are the links:

Top 10 Risks for Corporate Blogs by Kami Watson Huyse, APR. She is the principal of My PR Pro, an independent public relations consultancy based in San Antonio, Texas.

Survey: PR professionals recognise importance of blogs but do not know how to integrate them in their planning. Notes on Euroblog 2007 by Philippe Borremans on Conversationblog.

7 Signs That Your Press Release Sucks by NakedPR, a PR blog from Jennifer Mattern. Kind of practical but worth noting.

Measuring PR: What I learned going in-house by Cece Salomon-Lee, marketing communications manager for ON24. Totally awesome tips on how to track campaigns.

How to get a business magazine to write about your company by Stuart Bruce. A little hard to read this post, but good info regardless.

I found these posts on New PR, a site where users submit articles and readers choose which stories make it to the top. A bit like but with a PR focus. Seeks “Harry-est Town in Canada”

All in good fun, is looking for the “Harry-est Town in Canada,” the Canadian town who has order the most Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows per capita.

Here’s the press release.

You can track the “Harry-est Towns in Canada” at

The Top 10 Harry-est Towns in Canada currently are:

1. Gibsons (B.C.) (Last Week’s Rank: 1)
2. Banff (Alta.) (Last Week’s Rank: 2)
3. Bonnyville (Alta.) (Last Week’s Rank: 4)
4. Sechelt (B.C.) (Last Week’s Rank: 9)
5. Kincardine (Ont.) (Last Week’s Rank: 8)
6. Sooke (B.C.) (Last Week’s Rank: 3)
7. Port Elgin (Ont.) (Last Week’s Rank: 5)
8. Wainwright (Alta.) (Last Week’s Rank: 22)
9. Perth (Ont.) (Last Week’s Rank: 21)
10. Canmore (Alta.) (Last Week’s Rank: 10)

CBC The National Reports on Climate Change

I received my daily CBC News digest this morning and discovered the following story:

Quote: Climate Change
The National looks at adapting to climate change.

I was excited to read the article because I thought The National, who just did an extensive report on climate change, had decided to adapt their own new reporting practices (i.e., flying around the world–hello big footprint) in response to the devastation they saw.

I’m clearly an optimist. The article is a summary of the devastation they reported on from around the world. It’s still an interesting article, but it does’t signal any change in action from The National.

If we know we should be doing things to stop climate change, then isn’t now the time to do those things? Isn’t now the time for someone big and mainstream to say, “I’ll be the leader on that.”

I overheard an interview with David Suzuki where he said something like, “we’re in a van speeding into the path of a brick wall and instead of slamming on the brakes, we’re arguing about where we want to sit.”

Here’s the CBC article.

Here’s what I’m doing to hit the brakes:
– shorter showers
– carpooling to work
– driving the speed limit
– turning off the computer when it’s not in use
– handwashing instead of dishwashing (except when the heathens come to dinner and I can run a full load)
– less chemicals (cleaning products, make-up, processed foods)
– buying local and fresh instead of processed and shipped from far away (although sometimes I do eat a kiwi)
– recycling and avoiding buying stuff that’s wrapped in plastic and/or styroform
– generally being aware and making good decisions as often as possible

Share what you’re doing. What would you like to do, or like others to do?

Don Tapscott, author of Wikinomics, Launches Book in Second Life

I received a press release this morning that I’ve summarized below. is holding a book launch in Second Life for Don Tapscott of Wikinomics fame.

Quote: Don Tapscott has given a lot of talks in a lot of places in his career as a writer and businessman, but never one in another world. On Tuesday April 10th at 6:00 PT (9:00 ET) Don Tapscott will appear in “avatar” form at the home in the virtual world of Second Life to discuss his book Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (Penguin).

I can’t make my Fashionista shopping day today in SL so I think a book launch tomorrow will allow me to get my SL fix for the week. Ooo, I wonder if I should try changing my hair again … is a pretty cool online space. I haven’t been to the site for awhile so this SL thing is a good reason for me to venture forth into their virtual world. The Rabble folks have developed an online book club and book lounge, and now a Second Life home on Canadian-owned “Better World Island,” which, according to the press release, also hosts CARE International, the Peace and Justice Centre, the Centre for Water Studies among other NGOs and non-profits.

Teleport to the book launch Tuesday April 10th at 6:00 PT (9:00 ET) by clicking this link:

See you there. I’ll be the one wearing curtains.

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