So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

Page 79 of 125

J.K. Rowling Comes to Canada

I met JK Rowling in 2000 when she made her first visit to Canada. She came to the Raincoast offices and met each and every one of us. Then we all went to the Pacific Coliseum to hear her read and chat to the kids.

WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m just getting on a plane for Toronto but here’s the Raincoast Harry Potter News Alert that I received just now:



J.K. Rowling Comes to Canada

J.K. Rowling will be making an appearance in Canada this fall! J.K.
Rowling will be appearing at the Winter Garden Theatre in Toronto on
October 23 for an all-ages event sponsored by Raincoast Books and hosted
by the International Festival of Authors. J.K. Rowling will offer a short
reading from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, answer questions from
her fans and sign complimentary copies of the final book in the Harry
Potter series for every fan in attendance. The event will begin at

There will be no tickets for sale and numbered and assigned seats will
only be available through random draws.

Beginning at 9:00AM Pacific on Monday September 17, Raincoast will be
holding an online sweepstakes for lucky fans, ages seven and older, to win
one of one hundred pairs of tickets to the J.K. Rowling Comes to the
Winter Garden Theatre event. Raincoast will draw ten pairs of tickets per
day for ten days, excluding weekends, from September 17 though September
28. For full details please go to:

The IFOA, working with The Ontario Library Association (OLA) and their
sister organisation, The Partnership (The Provincial and
Territorial Library Associations of Canada), will also be making hundreds
of tickets available for fans across Canada. Seating at the event will be
capped at 950 attendees.

“J.K. Rowling has always given priority to her fans,” said Allan
MacDougall, CEO of Raincoast Books, “and we and the IFOA have tried to
plan an event that reflects her values. The Winter Garden event will be
intimate, interactive and something that her Canadian fans will never
forget. We are thrilled to have her in Canada again.”


Raincoast Books of Vancouver is the joint publisher of Harry Potter series
in Canada in conjunction with Bloomsbury Plc of London. Since first being
published in 1997, the seven books in Harry Potter series have sold over
350 million copies worldwide and over 11 million copies in Canada. The
trip next month will mark the second occasion that J.K. Rowling has
travelled to Canada. In October 2000, she made appearances in Vancouver
and Toronto.

Remember my little site well since I’m flying hither and tither, post on the site for me or post comments here if you are as excited as I am.

And in the post or comment answer this question: what has happened in your life since first reading Harry Potter?


Reckoning 07: An Appraisal of BC Writing & Publishing


This weekend was a symposium–Reckoning 07–organized by BC BookWorld‘s Alan Twigg, Shadbolt Fellow (SFU).

See Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing info on Reckoning 07 or download the PDF of the Symposium Announcement.

It was pitched as a chance to gather BC’s writing and publishing community together to talk about the cultural successes that are seldom told here–successes that are often overshadowed by the sexier, media-friendly sister, the BC film industry.

What it was was a brilliant documentation of the unique stories behind the birth of BC’s publishing industry. The morning session was a walk down memory lane. And remember, these are publishers–storytellers. It was not a boring session reviewing the corporate histories of BC publishing houses. It was storytime.

Karl Siegler of Talonbooks talked about joining the company in 1974 as business manager and going for tea and cookies with other BC publishers to talk about starting the BC Publishers Group, an organization that would help members collectively promote their titles and prosper.

Randy Fred talked about founding Theytus Books, one of the first indigenous publishers in BC and how the government tried to suggest to them how indigenous publishers could work together and how the native elders were suspicious of natives publishing native works because that had never been done before.

Richard Olafson explained the name “Ekstasis Editions”, ekstasis means to stand outside of oneself and that’s what good poetry does.

Rhonda Bailey of XYZ Publishing, who attended one of my sessions months ago, told me I have changed her life. And she’s now on Facebook and keeping up with her students.

Ron Smith reported that Oolicahn was started over a scotch with Robert Kroetsch, that Rhonda Bailey was instrumental in the early days of the press, and that a fellow–whose name I missed–used to encourage them to go down to the highway and sell boxes of books to the logging truck drivers. They sold cartons and cartons their first year.

It was a family reunion, and the best of sorts.

The afternoon sessions were on the future of publishing. I was on a panel that spoke about online marketing, new technology and what exciting prospects are on the horizon for publishers and authors.

The following session was on the future of writing in BC and the audience was packed with BC authors. I met Zsuzsi Gartner.

And the day ended with an evening celebration of Duthie Books, who are celebrating their 50th anniversary.

Good times were had by all. Thank you Alan Twigg for hosting the biggest and best BC party I’ve ever been to–of course, James tells me his book launch was also pretty big and fun.

As Alan promised, it was not dull.

BlogWorld–November 7 to 9 in Las Vegas

Quick note, I saw this press release from Business Wire on September 10:
“Blogosphere’s Brightest Stars to Offer Expert Advice to Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, ADV, PR Communities at First BlogWorld & New Media Expo
Business Wire”

BlogWorld & New Media Expo, the first-ever industry-wide blogging conference and trade show is scheduled for November 7-9, 2007 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

There will be more than 60 sessions on blogging, podcasting, video blogging and other types of social media activities.
See the site for speakers and other info.

Discounted pricing is available through October 19.

Making Perfume

Ayala Sender is a perfumer here in Vancouver, BC.

We met at Portobello West, which is a great craft market that happens the last Sunday of every month.

At some point I registered for Ayala’s newsletter. I dream of making the most intoxicating perfume. And, I just won a contest for a copy of the video Perfume. Thank you Ayala.

My prize arrived in the mail today, along with an email announcement about Ayala’s new website. See how beautiful perfume can be.

You can see exactly how the different forms and concentrations are packaged and the beautiful colours of the perfumes.

Each fragrance has a description and review that will taunt you. And you can now order online.

Ayala Moriel Parfums

Also check out the SmellyBlog:

Book Review: The Convictions of Leonard McKinley

Every Labour Day Weekend since 1977, writers have gathered to sweat, cry and produce amazing 3-day novels. This “trial by deadline” is going on right now.

But I have other things to do this weekend, like making peach pie, so instead of whipping off a novel, I’m reading The Convictions of Leonard McKinley by Brendan McLeod, a recently published winner of the 3-Day Novel Contest.

McLeod’s protagonist Leonard is a crazy piece of work. I imagine he was born amidst too much caffeine and too little sleep.

In some ways The Convictions of Leonard McKinley is a morality play. Wikipedia defines this as “a type of theatrical allegory in which the protagonist is met by personifications of various moral attributes who try to prompt him to choose a godly life over one of evil.”

For Leonard the morally bad take the form of round-bottomed cute girls, his desires to achieve NBA fame, and his increasing interest in deviance.

There is certainly a secular nature to Leonard’s desires that conflict with his visions of martyrdom. He promises God that if he performs well at basketball try-outs that he’ll open up an adoption agency when he’s older.

But what starts as innocent questioning of God and morals in the 6-year-old Leonard, even in the teenaged Leonard, gives way to a form of religious fanatisism that cripples him.

The Convictions of Leonard McKinley could be renamed The Ethical Trials of Leonard McKinley. As a child Leonard executes ethical trials for himself: if he is good, his father won’t have another heart attack. As a teen he believes that saying the Lords Prayer and volunteering at the Red Cross will ensure his mother’s safe return home from late nights at the office. But as Leonard enters university his convictions that well being is a reward or punishment determined by God lead to darker thoughts about homosexual yearnings and pedophilia. He creates trials for himself that were funny child-like behaviour earlier but are now disturbing.

Leonard is pretty creepy but the novel is good.

I agree with the quote by author Terence Young, “Brendan McLeod presents us with a protagonist who is at once mesmerizing and ridiculous, charming and offensive … He draws our attention like a really good house fire.”

And with kind permission from 3-Day Books, here is a short excerpt:

Quote: The Convictions of Leonard McKinley by Brendan McLeod.

When Leonard turns six, his father buys him a bike without training wheels because he wants to learn to ride like he is escaping from assassins with lasers. Leonard’s father shuffles him up and down the street, breathing hard at his side until he sustains heart palpitations and Leonard takes off on his own. He flies around the suburban streets of Calgary until he can no longer see his house and has to stop at a store for directions.

“I can’t tell you unless you buy something,” says the clerk. Leonard has no money, so he kicks down the newsstand outside and rides away crying. Two hours later a policeman finds him sulking against a tree and puts his bike into the backseat. He drives Leonard halfway home, but pulls a U-turn after hearing the whole story. They return to the convenience store and the policeman disappears inside for ten minutes. When he comes back out Leonard asks him what happened.

“I gave the bad man a ticket,” says the officer.

“What for?”

“Being a dick.”

“Awesome,” says Leonard.

The policeman pulls away. “Did you kick down his newsstand?”



When the policeman pulls up in front of Leonard’s house his father is being wheeled away on a gurney. The large lights of an ambulance reflect off the gleam of the neighbours’ gaping mouths behind their windows. Leonard’s older brother Steve is standing on the walkway, his hands over his lips as though afraid something will escape from him.

Leonard’s younger brother Nick is wandering around outside wearing his costume from his fourth birthday party last week. Their mother had allowed him to dress up as the sheriff, so he locked his friend Pete in the laundry room after he hadn’t given him a present that involved the California Raisins.

Now, Nick moseys up to the police car. Leonard and the officer quickly get out.

“You killed Dad!” Nick shouts at Leonard. Then he shoots the police officer full of imaginary bullets and dives behind a bush.

“Shut up, Nick!” Steve yells.

Their mother runs up to Leonard and holds him tight to her waist. Then she smacks him on the bum for going missing and kisses his forehead to assure him their father is going to be okay.

Mrs. Shelbourne from next door comes over to look after them while their mother follows the ambulance to the hospital. They eat dinner in silence. Steve, who is in grade six, won’t talk to Leonard because he is just a stupid little kid who still gets lost. Nick won’t speak to Mrs. Shelbourne because she beat him at Hungry Hungry Hippos, except to briefly accuse her of cheating. Mrs. Shelbourne threatens to send him to his room for being impertinent, so Nick says he was just worried about their dad in the hopes that she’ll feel sorry for him and give him a cookie. She doesn’t fall for it and Nick refuses to eat his peas in protest.

Brendan McLeod is a writer, musican, spoken word artist, former Canadian SLAM poetry champion, and previous winner of the 3-Day Novel Contest.

Book Review: Jumping the Queue by Mary Wesley

Jumping the Queue is Mary Wesley’s celebrated first novel.

While in McNally Robinson Booksellers in Winnipeg, I came across a display of Mary Wesley books, all of which have been re-issued with new cover designs.

Wesley started writing at the age of 70 and published a number of books, Jumping the Queue being the first and The Camomile Lawn being her big commercial success. What the Beeb says about Mary.

The opening scene of Jumping the Queue is Matilda writing instructions for her friends and family on how to dispose of her belongings and of the house. She has reached the end of her rope with life and is happily ready to shuffle off with a mortal dose of pills and a nice swim into a strong tide that will pull her out to sea. All is very well with this plan, except the pet gander keeps pecking at her, and when she finally gets to her beach spot there are a bunch of rowdy kids there. No problem. She goes immediately with Plan B and finds a bridge to jump from. Just her luck, there’s a wanted murderer also trying to jump.

Never one to pass by adventure, Matilda invite him home, reprimands him for his behaviour and sets him up in the spare room. The reprimand is for being in her jumping spot, not for murdering his mother, which she is sure her children have thoughts of many times.

Wesley is a fine writer and Matilda is a fine character. I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading more of her work.

Like Matilda, Mary was a bit of a wild one (she died in 2002). She married early for money and societal pressures. She had a unsatisfying relationship with her mother, which definitely comes out in her work. But with wit and style she managed to free herself from those constraints and find love with a second husband and satisfaction writing. There is a biography available called Wild Mary, but none of these books seem to be promoted widely in North America.

Wild Mary is available from McNally Robinson. I love the store. The website could use some work. More on that later.

Book Review: The Book of Stanley

The Book of Stanley by Todd Babiak is one of the funniest books I’ve read all year.

There’s something about books about God that really tickle me. I suppose it’s repressed anxiety from attending the Catholic Church as a kid.

Stanley Moss is an average man. He’s a retired florist, diagnosed with cancer. He’s a putterer and his wife’s the same. They live in Edmonton, across the way from a car dealership, and sometimes in the clear, summer afternoons they can hear the receptionist announcing calls over the PA. It’s the prairies.

So what happens to Stanley Moss? How does he become my hero and favourite character of 2007?

Like this.

Stanley is stricken by … well, we’re not sure, but afterwards things are different. He’s different.

Stanley can hear what people are thinking. He can convince them of things. He can lift heavy objects. He can throw himself from a cliff.

He’s God.

But he’s also human in a way to which we can relate. Stanley’s nervous about his new self. He’s unsure of what to do. He wants to use his power for good, but he’s surrounded by bad. He makes decision by committee. He gets confused. He starts losing himself.

I think we have these worries whenever we take on new challenges and that’s what is great about Stanley. Stanley’s not a leader. The Book of Stan. Come on. But they do, people come in droves to hear what he has to say, to try to silence him, to try to follow his teachings. It’s a behemoth mess as far as his wife is concerned.

You have to love her for that.

The Book of Stanley is Canadian satire. It’s not British and definitely not American. It’s perfectly Canadian.

I’ve been telling people that The Book of Stanley is “Gabriel Garcia Marquez meets Michael Winter.”

Read the book and let me know if you agree.

Todd also has a smart ass blog at, last I checked he was trying to replace Rabinovitch as president and CEO of CBC. He’s definitely an author to watch out for, I mean, watch.

Book Review: Beyond Buzz by Lois Kelly

Cross-posted on Work Industries blog.

Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing by Lois Kelly is about learning to create meaningful dialogue about organizations and products, instead of marketing blah blah blah.

If you are the lone evangelist in your organization–the one who gets it–print out a copy of the Executive Summary of Beyond Buzz and get it in front of as many managers as possible, especially those in communications, marketing and PR. (Tip from a former lone evangelist: I know, the summary is electronic. You could email it. In my experience, paper in front of nose is more effective.)

There are 5 reasons why conversation is important.

1. Because The Cluetrain Manifesto tells us markets are conversation.

Ok, that’s not one of the 5, but it’s definitely the starting point to understanding #1.

#1. People don’t trust marketing and sales information.

We have trusted advisors. They are our friends and family. We’d rather believe Tom, who’s just bought a new digital camera, than Best Buy who wants to sell us a camera for 20% off.

#2. People are overwhelmed with information.

We trust our friends and family because we can have a conversation with them. They help us make sense out of the information. They are not trying to sell us anything. They have our best interests at heart.

#3. Beyond products, people want to know what it’s like to work with your company.

We want to know that we’re spending our money with the right people.

#4. Explosion of new “talk” communications channels.

There are many, many ways for us to search online for product reviews. In fact, we don’t just check “Ford + reviews”, we check “Ford + repairs” and “Ford + broken”. If you’re not part of that conversation, we’re less likely to care about great reviews, especially if your company is the source of the reviews.

#5. People want to be heard and have a say.

Be an advocate on behalf of customers. Listening and talking can take you a long way.

The Foghound > Beyond Buzz website has lots of other incentives to buy the book:

Buy a copy of Beyond Buzz today.

Enter to win a free copy.
I’ll do a random draw in one week.

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