So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Words Fail Me: Marko Casalan, 8 year old IT whizz

Marko Casalan, 8, is officially world’s youngest IT whizz

Quote: [Marko]… was unable to sleep because of excitement on the night before the much-feared experiment aimed to recreate Big Bang conditions at the underground facility of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research or CERN in Switzerland.

The experiment failed because of technical problems, but Marko is confident that it will eventually prove to be a scientific breakthrough. “The media said it could cause the end of the world,” he said, “but there was never any danger of that.”

Words Fail Me.


Making Perfume: Art Night

Monique makes perfume

I have a great group of friends who get together randomly for art night. I usually sketch (or get totally distracted and spend most of the time talking). But lately I have been enamoured with making perfume. I’m working on a spicy oriental at the moment: cloves, cinnamon, coriander, cardamon, orange, with a dry woody base. It’s not going well but the photos look good.

Thanks Rachael for the photo. She’s a Goddess Spiral of goodness.

Northern Voice: Blogging Conference Feb. 20-21

Northern Voice is Feb 20 and 21 this year. UBC Forestry Building.

Registration opened yesterday and there was a flurry of activity. The conference sells out every year so if you are interested in attending, here’s the place to buy your tickets.

Dave Olson's paper point presentation

I will, under no circumstances, miss Dave O this year.


Friday is the best day for me to geek it up. I love the on-the-fly scheduling.

The Cool Shoes Project

The people attending, and speaking, all rock. (This is Megan Cole. Definitely worth meeting.)

Kris Krug

And you never know what kk is going to do, so it’s totally worth coming out to Northern Voice for curiosity sake.

Look mom! Blogging with no hands. (That’s called podcasting.)

WordCamp Whistler: January 24

WordCamp Whistler

WordCamp Whistler is a WordPress and social media conference taking place in Whistler, BC, on January 24, 2009.

WordCamp Whistler is organized by the esteemed:

Every person attending the event will receive access to the conference event, along with a complimentary WordPress souvenir, and admission to the social event in the evening on the 24th. The swag is apparently very cool.

Doors open at 9 am.

For more information, please visit the official website at

Early bird pricing of $35 is only valid until Friday, January 9. After that time the price raises to $40.

If you plan to stay overnight, the Fairmont has reserved some rooms at a sweet price, but book soon. Fairmont will be releasing some of the reserved rooms into the general populace shortly. If you want to book, please use this link.

For tickets, please visit our EventBrite page:

I am very sad not to make it. Please go so I can glean info from you and look at the photos.

10 Trends in Media & Publishing

Top 10 Business Ideas for 2009 by Springwise included the following list for Media & Publishing

  1. MagCloud — Magazine publishing for everyone & every niche
  2. Faber & Faber — Out-of-print books, printed on demand
  3. Flat World Knowledge — Open source approach to textbook publishing
  4. Blurb — Marketplace for book makers
  5. Kidmondo & BabyChapters — From online baby blogs to printed baby books
  6. HarperCollins — Publisher hopes crowds will spot next bestseller
  7. Relay & WWF — All-you-can-read digital magazines
  8. Random House — Selling books by the chapter
  9. Kluster — Crowdsourcing platform
  10. Offbeat Guides, Tripwolf, HSBC & Dorling Kindersley , Personalized travel guides

Chandler Burr at Pop!Tech 2008

I’m reading Perfect Scent: Inside the Perfume Industry by Chandler Burr. He gave a great presentation at Pop!Tech2008.

Here’s the Popcast.

“Chandler Burr is the New York Times’ first-ever fragrance critic. His knowledge of the history, culture, emotion, economics, science and global geography of scent may be unrivaled. Come along with Chandler as he leads the Camden Opera House on an interactive, hyper-articulate and hilarious olfactory journey.”

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