So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Dance with Dormeshia

Instrumental Feet and Support the Artform present workshops with Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards.

Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards (Black & Blue, Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk ) is undoubtedly one of the best tap dancers of all time.

The workshop will be held at Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie St, Vancouver).

Saturday, Feb. 25
5:15-6:30 pm: Advanced beginner/intermediate
6:45-8 pm: Advanced

Sunday, Feb. 26
3:45-5 pm: Advanced beginner/intermediate
5:15-6:30 pm: Advanced

Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards is a Master Performer, choreographer and instructor. Dormeshia started tap dancing at age 3 under the instruction of Paul and Arlene Kennedy in California. She went on to perform in Rome, Italy at the Tip Tap Festival by the age of 8. From there she made her debut on Broadway at the age of 12, in the musical revue Black and Blue with greats such as Gregory Hines, Jimmy Slyde, Buster Brown and Savion Glover. Her Broadway credits also include the Tony Award Winning Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk.

Dormeshia’s dance credit could fill an entire wall let alone this page.

Cost per class $30. Register early because the class space is limited.

Registration information:

For more information please email:

Crash Different

Having a basic understanding of marketing forces me to be a cynical consumer. When I see a poster in a bookstore, I wonder how much someone paid for that. When random people I meet on the street have very cool gadgets that they want to tell me about, I want to run away. I get how the viral marketing thing is supposed to work. Hello blog. So I pass this on with some reservation. Reservation because I know I’m supposed to find this video funny and then pass it on to my friends, and hey, maybe the guy who made it will become famous and then we’ll all want his desktop services. Ok, I’ve bought the ticket. Enjoy the ride.

From the misguided corner of the room, I bring you a crazy guy having a crazy time with Mac.

Lattes for Literacy

Hit the Starbucks on the 19th. That’s tomorrow.

Starbucks Coffee Canada pledges all latte proceeds on January 19th to Canadian literacy organizations, specifically ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation and Frontier College.

I enjoy the chai latte or the vanilla latte. Full fat, none of that skim milk or soy.

Here’s the press release: Starbucks Announces Second Annual Lattes for Literacy Day

After that visit your local coffee house. Have you been to the Bean?

Bean Around the World. Check it out:

Kevin Smokler Blogs for Powell’s Books

I haven’t been paying attention to all the newsletters that I receive. Mostly there’s one or two interesting things per week and I wonder why I bother subscribing. I’d love a human filter. Someone who’s reading all the things I like and then posting just the relevant stuff for me. I do have many friends who acts as filter support so in return, here are my links to recent book news.

Powell’s Books, America’s best indie bookseller, has a blog and podcast. Kevin Smokler is the guest blogger from Jan. 16 – 20. The Bookcast sound quality is okay but not great. It’s rather echoey and the blog is also okay. Lots of reviews, but some personality driven posts. I look forward to what Kevin will bring to it.

Amazon Connect: authors blog on But it’s not a blog: no RSS feed and no comments.
Here’s the article

Kiwis are using a site called Lulu to post their books. Lulu offers free hosting and a free personal shop front for authors to display their work. Lulu also will print and post a paper copy in various bindings (paperback, hardcover, etc.). The only charge is 20% of the author’s royalty, if any. If the author waives royalties, a free electronic download is available. Sounds quite civilized.
Here’s the article

AAP and Google Lawsuit

This is mostly a link I want to remember, but if you’re in publishing, you’ll be interested too:

John Battelle’s Searchblog has a good post on what’s at stake for publishers and Google.

Quote: First, who is making the money? Second, who owns the rights to leverage this new innovation – the public, the publisher, or … Google? Will Google make the books it scans available for all comers to crawl and index? Certainly the answer seems to be no. Google is doing this so as to make its own index superior, and to gain competitive advantage over others. That leaves a bad taste in the publisher’s mouths – they sense they are being disintermediated, and further, that Google is reinterpreting copyright law as they do it.

Battelle also points out that this is not just about books. Why couldn’t Google or anyone else scan and index video. “Look at who owns the book companies that are suing – ahhh, it’s Newscorp (Harper Collins), Viacom (Simon&Schuster), Time Warner (Little Brown).”

Kidsbooks Annual Sale

My favourite Vancouver kids bookstore is having its annual sale.

Thursday, January 19 to Sunday, January 22
Kidsbooks: 3083 West Broadway, Vancouver, or 3040 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver
20% off all stock plus further reductions on selected items.

If you’re a teacher or librarian or parent, this is the sale for you. Also the staff at Kidsbooks are incredibly knowledgeable. Ask them many questions. You don’t even have to put your hand up. It’s madness.

Harper Collins Canada First Look

Are you a Canadian resident? Do you want to preview and review books before they hit the bookstore? Check out HarperCollins Canada’s First Look program.

Quote: First Look
Read and review tomorrow’s books today

This is a very cool idea. Partly because I want to read and review tomorrow’s books today, but also because I think Harper does a good job from a user point of view. The sign up was easy. The books on offer are clearly displayed, and once logged in, it looks like it is easy to request a copy. The reviews are also organized in an interesting way. Check out the reader reviews.

I’ve lobbied to review Justine Picardie’s My Mother’s Wedding Dress. It is a nonfiction memoir about Picardie’s garments, in particular how clothes create narrative, for example, how tight plastic pants say just a little something about you.

Is there a garment lurking in your closet that you’d rather no one know about? Why not publicly rejoice the misguided nature of that purchase? Post a photo on your blog or a comment below with a description. Articles that have made it to the Salvation Army, but once existed in your closet, still count.

Macworld San Francisco

In the geek work today I watched the live transcript of Steve Jobs’ keynote address at Macworld.

I learned the following:
10:41 am Shows pic of Jobs and Woz. will be 30 years in 4-1-2006.
10:33 am Demoing the new MacBook Pro.

I want one. Ships in February. Has a small camera in it, the isight. Hair thinner than the 17″ but is the fastest notebook ever. iWork and iLife are awesome, and now there’s iWeb. I can barely breathe. The crowd goes wild.

Apple also released Mac OS X 10.4.4 along with a number of other software (iTunes 6.0.2, Quicktime 7.0.4, iLife ’06, iWork ’06).

So I like the 12″ iBook, which is where I was going to put my money, but now …

If money wasn’t an option, which it is, but ignore that for now, which one would you choose? From a tech geek perspective rather than a fashion accessory perspective.

Daniel Isn’t Talking but the Author Is

Here’s another plug for Women Who Blog, but also for Marti Leimbach, author of Daniel Isn’t Talking. See my book review.

In the comments field of my review, Marti posted:
Quote: … Daniel Isn’t Talking is a very special novel to me because it is drawn, in part, from my own real life as a mother of an autistic boy.

I have a written a little about the novel on my website if ever you want to have a look. I am also reading at the Harbourfront Centre on Wednesday April 26 at 7:30. If you happen to be there, please come and introduce yourself afterwards!

So not only is Marti talking on my blog, and at Harbourfront Centre, she also has a blog:

If you want to get an idea of her novel’s style, read the post about her son Nicholas learning to skate. She seems to post once a month. I didn’t see an RSS feed, which means I’ll have to remember to keep visiting instead of subscribing, also the Harbourfront website doesn’t seem to be updated yet for 2006, but here’s the link to events.

The book is coming, in the meantime, read the blog.

Book Review of Daniel Isn’t Talking

Daniel Isn't TalkingI’ve just finished reading Daniel Isn’t Talking by Marti Leimbach. There are lots of funny moments, educational moments, which I also enjoyed, and some craziness. I was initially quite skeptical about this book. The title is great, the cover is great (different cover on–the version here, which I prefer, is the advance copy so we’ll have to wait to see the final one). I was skeptical because I seem to have encountered a lot of autism books lately. Each was fantastically well written and interesting.

Not Even Wrong by Paul Collins. A engaging portrait of his autistic son.

Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin. Temple is autistic and (I think) has a PhD in animal science. The book is how to use autism to understand animal behaviour.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. A very funny novel about an autistic boy trying to solve the mystery of a murdered dog.

I was skeptical because I did not think Daniel Isn’t Talking was going to stand up to these titles. It does and doesn’t. Daniel Isn’t Talking is well written and by the midway point I did appreciate the characters, but at the beginning I just thought why am I reading about this crazy mother. And she stayed crazy through the book.

I didn’t like Melanie Marsh, Daniel’s mother. She is insecure, over protective of her children, in need of more than a little therapy, and she is driven to further madness when her son is diagnosed with autism. It is at the point of diagnosis where my sentiments about Melanie shifted slightly. She struggles and fights for her son, and I appreciated her tenacity and strength. She doesn’t take the “this is how things are going to be” diagnosis. She looks for alternative ways to help Daniel along. I still found her annoyingly insecure. I like strong willed characters. Her daughter Emily was my favourite character, as were Daniel and Andy (the Irish fellow Melanie eventually hires to help Daniel).

Overall, here’s my plug for the book:
Daniel Isn’t Talking is a comic, yet serious novel. It is as funny as Three Men and a Baby, but as serious as a self-help workbook. Melanie Marsh finds herself as an American in London with a stuck up, absent husband, a genius daughter and a recently diagnosed autistic son. Daniel Isn’t Talking is about stray nappies, misguided families, and the British stiff upper lip. It is also about a boy clearing his own path through life, and his mother’s struggle to show him the way.

Daniel Isn’t Talking should be in stores in April. As part of the McClelland and Stewart 100 Readers Club, I got to read the advance copy.

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