So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Tell Tod a Tale

Tod Maffin, self-described overcaffeinated public radio producer, author, podcaster and technology futurist, is offering a non-fiction storytelling seminar for independent producers, freelancers, writers and people who want to get into radio.

That’s me. And maybe you too?

Check out Tod’s site for details: The seminar is called ìFrom Idea to Air.î The admission is by donation and Tod is giving 100% of any donations made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. As Tod mentions in his post, he is trying to raise $5,000 to help his wife’s fundraising efforts (she was diagnosed with MS just over a year ago).

If you’re not interested in the seminar but want to donate to MS, here is Tod’s link,

I heart radio.

Giant Octopus Attack

How would you like to be a salmon researcher poking around in your small submarine when a giant octopus decides that you’re either cute or dinner?

Mike Wood’s remote-controlled submarine was working on the Brooks Peninsula in BC last November when a giant Pacific octopus weighing about 45 kilograms decided to attack. It sounds like Mike wasn’t in the sub, but he panicked nonetheless because the $20,000 piece of equipment was uninsured. Mike’s sub got away because he blasted the octopus with seabed particles.

I’m partial to sea creatures even though it creeps me out to be underwater.

Here’s Mike’s video on
Here’s the full CBC story on

And here’s a fantastic book, The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch. My favourite book of 2005. Lots of description about sea creatures, Rachel Carson is channelled, wonderful book.

Writers Round-Up

Lisa Moore wins regional Commonwealth Prize: See

“Canadian writer Lisa Moore’s debut novel Alligator has been named best book for the Caribbean and Canada region, making it a finalist for the 2006 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez gives up the pen–retired: See Times Online

Aside from One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera and Chronicle of a Death Foretold are two of my favourite Marquez novels.

Stephen King on Amazon Fishbowl

Bill Maher to Stephen King: You’re anything but a scary guy.

Stephen King: I have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk.

Stephen King doesn’t need any introduction, which makes a lot of people think that Stephen King also doesn’t need a marketing plan. Don’t the books just sell themselves?

This is the great fallacy about blockbusters. The blockbuster exists because people know about it, they talk to their friends about it, it captures the collective imagination, it’s human powered. But behind that is still a plan.

Any publisher with a blockbuster likely paid a lot of money for that book. There’s the enormous advance that goes to the famous author. There’s the fat cheque that gets paid to the printer for the thousands (or millions) of copies printed–usually paid for before the books have sold. And then there’s the marketing budget.

Why do you need a budget, it’s human powered?

Well, yes, but the fan base still needs to see the book in the stores, still needs to hear about it online or in a newsletter or from a friend. From the publisher’s side this means paying for in-store placement, paying for ads, paying for advance copies or reviewer copies, paying for some gimmick that fans will love–kind of like throwing the beads at Mardi Gras. This all requires a plan because the publisher also wants to pitch the media on stories, it can’t just be “bestselling author publishes yet another book”. The publicity, the advertising, the in-store promotion–the blockbuster–needs to happen big and all at once. Just like the opening weekend of a movie.

So Stephen King. I saw his new novel Cell advertised somewhere (ok everywhere) and here it is on’s front page. “Amazon Fishbowl with Bill Maher”. The Fishbowl is a really solid promotion. There’s the link to buy the book above the video, which means the call to action is clear. But aside from that the Fishbowl clip is short enough that I don’t get bored or distracted but long enough to let me see what a funny and human guy Stephen King is. To me the video is a better chance to reach a broader audience because there’s the novelty factor–he’s on the very first show and he’s Stephen King–plus it’s cool technology and it’s funny. Perfect for viral marketing. I’m not a Stephen King fan, but the video captured my interest, I watched it, and now I’m thinking about buying Cell.

What I didn’t like: 1) My brain appears to be very maleable. 2) Bill Maher is a funny guy, but the audience explodes with laughter–how many people are in the audience and how over-excited are they?

I haven’t read a Stephen King novel since high school and even then I think I read it second-hand over the shoulder of my friend. But now, cool promotion, interesting concept, I might buy this book. Actually, I probably will buy this book. According to the review: Cell is “the king of horror’s homage to zombie films (the book is dedicated in part to George A. Romero).” Who doesn’t love zombies?

Apparently it will tap into my fears of technological warfare and terrorism, which is just great because I bought a cell phone and read that using a phone at a gas station could cause the phone to spark or ignite. Perhaps I should stick to the horrors of the owner’s manual.

If you’re Canadian and want to support the Canadian distributor rather than the American publisher, which you do by default anyway, here’s the link. There is no video at .ca Buy the Cell

If you’re just after the video, or live in America, here’s the direct link:

Heather Cornell taps her way to Vancouver

Heather Cornell, founder and director of Manhattan Tap, is in Vancouver for two weekend workshops.

Classes held at Vancouver Tap Dance Society (2775 East Hastings St, Vancouver)

Advanced beginner and Intermediate/Advanced classes as well as improvisations classes are available on
January 27, 28, 29 and February 3, 4, 5

To register visit

Heather Cornell was a protege to Charles ìCookieî Cook, Eddie Brown & Harriet Brown. She studied extensively with and performed often with Chuck Green, Steve Condos & Buster Brown. Heather also had the rare honour of having shared the stage with Honi Coles, Jimmy Slyde, The Nicholas Brothers, Gregory Hines, and Savion Glover.

She established the Manhattan Tap Apprentice Program that is responsible for training todayís generation of tap artists including Max Pollak, Michael Minery, Roxanne ìButterfl yî, Bob Carrol and Jeannie Hill, as well as cast members of Manhattan Tap, Stomp, Bring In ‘Da Noise, Bring In ‘Da Funk, Tap Dogs, Cool Heat Urban Beat, and Riverdance.

Dance with Dormeshia

Instrumental Feet and Support the Artform present workshops with Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards.

Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards (Black & Blue, Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk ) is undoubtedly one of the best tap dancers of all time.

The workshop will be held at Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie St, Vancouver).

Saturday, Feb. 25
5:15-6:30 pm: Advanced beginner/intermediate
6:45-8 pm: Advanced

Sunday, Feb. 26
3:45-5 pm: Advanced beginner/intermediate
5:15-6:30 pm: Advanced

Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards is a Master Performer, choreographer and instructor. Dormeshia started tap dancing at age 3 under the instruction of Paul and Arlene Kennedy in California. She went on to perform in Rome, Italy at the Tip Tap Festival by the age of 8. From there she made her debut on Broadway at the age of 12, in the musical revue Black and Blue with greats such as Gregory Hines, Jimmy Slyde, Buster Brown and Savion Glover. Her Broadway credits also include the Tony Award Winning Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk.

Dormeshia’s dance credit could fill an entire wall let alone this page.

Cost per class $30. Register early because the class space is limited.

Registration information:

For more information please email:

Crash Different

Having a basic understanding of marketing forces me to be a cynical consumer. When I see a poster in a bookstore, I wonder how much someone paid for that. When random people I meet on the street have very cool gadgets that they want to tell me about, I want to run away. I get how the viral marketing thing is supposed to work. Hello blog. So I pass this on with some reservation. Reservation because I know I’m supposed to find this video funny and then pass it on to my friends, and hey, maybe the guy who made it will become famous and then we’ll all want his desktop services. Ok, I’ve bought the ticket. Enjoy the ride.

From the misguided corner of the room, I bring you a crazy guy having a crazy time with Mac.

Lattes for Literacy

Hit the Starbucks on the 19th. That’s tomorrow.

Starbucks Coffee Canada pledges all latte proceeds on January 19th to Canadian literacy organizations, specifically ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation and Frontier College.

I enjoy the chai latte or the vanilla latte. Full fat, none of that skim milk or soy.

Here’s the press release: Starbucks Announces Second Annual Lattes for Literacy Day

After that visit your local coffee house. Have you been to the Bean?

Bean Around the World. Check it out:

Kevin Smokler Blogs for Powell’s Books

I haven’t been paying attention to all the newsletters that I receive. Mostly there’s one or two interesting things per week and I wonder why I bother subscribing. I’d love a human filter. Someone who’s reading all the things I like and then posting just the relevant stuff for me. I do have many friends who acts as filter support so in return, here are my links to recent book news.

Powell’s Books, America’s best indie bookseller, has a blog and podcast. Kevin Smokler is the guest blogger from Jan. 16 – 20. The Bookcast sound quality is okay but not great. It’s rather echoey and the blog is also okay. Lots of reviews, but some personality driven posts. I look forward to what Kevin will bring to it.

Amazon Connect: authors blog on But it’s not a blog: no RSS feed and no comments.
Here’s the article

Kiwis are using a site called Lulu to post their books. Lulu offers free hosting and a free personal shop front for authors to display their work. Lulu also will print and post a paper copy in various bindings (paperback, hardcover, etc.). The only charge is 20% of the author’s royalty, if any. If the author waives royalties, a free electronic download is available. Sounds quite civilized.
Here’s the article

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