So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Fat Tuesday

Get your sinning done today, tomorrow is Lent.

Today is Fat Tuesday, also known as Mardi Gras. In days of old, today was the last day of indulgence before Lent (Ash Wednesday). Fat Tuesday is the day to eat fish, meat, milk, eggs, butter, and sweets. As a good school girl I recall being asked to give up one of these things for Lent. I think I also had to be nice to my brother.

But Lent is tomorrow, today is about all the fats.

In pre-Christian times, celebrations at this time of year honoured Bacchus (or Dionysus), he’s the booze god, and widely celebrated during Carnival.

I like this idea of Carnival. When I was in Colombia in 1997, I decided that my dream vacation would be to sail around to all the Caribbean islands celebrating carnival. Each island stages separate events so you could easily follow Carnival from one island to the next. Quite the tour, non?

So today get fat on doughnuts, pancakes and anything with a sweet filling. I recommend custard, jelly, or chocolate. But pancakes are the kicker–butter, eggs and milk. And definitely have some wine.

The New Quill & Quire Design

I love it.

Quill & Quire is the publishing industry’s magazine of gossip, news, reviews and commentary. It used to be on tabloid size paper, 11 x 17, staple-bound. Quill & Quire is now 8.5 x 11–although I haven’t pulled out a ruler–and perfect bound. The Q&Q is still on newsprint, but now it is 100% ancient forest friendly paper. Legacy Brite, to be exact. Thank you Quill.

The new format gets full marks in my book. It is easier for me to cart around. I can read it and eat my lunch in a limited space. The new size makes the mag seem more chunky. The interior design and layout is much better, easier to read, and in colour.

My only compliant about the Quill and Quire is that often the newsstand has issues on sale before my subscription arrives in the mailbox. Someone explained to me that the newsstand copies and the subscriptions are sent out two different ways and that’s why there’s a discrepancy. I understand, but I don’t care. I’d really like to read each issue as soon as possible and it rots my socks to see it on the newsstand and then wonder how long it will be for my lone copy to wander over the Rockies.

All in all, one compliant and millions of praise. So far the praise is out weighing the compliant.

Beyond the Wardrobe: A review of My Mother’s Wedding Dress

If you like memoir, fashion and storytelling written like fiction, then you’ll enjoy reading Justine Picardie’s My Mother’s Wedding Dress. I received an advance copy through the Harper Collins First Look program. I was pressed to read the book quickly because I needed to get my review in by March 1 in order to remain in the program. I had about 3 weeks to read, which really wasn’t enough time for me considering I had other books on the go. Nevertheless, I came in under the wire and below is the review I submitted:

Quote: My Mother’s Wedding Dress opens with the fantastic story of a black mohair cocktail dress–a strange choice for a wedding dress, nonetheless, Picardie makes it seem like a perfectly natural choice given the circumstances. Picardie quickly sets the stage, filling the reader in on her family’s heritage, their immigrant experiences, and like a giant quilt–with short story fabric swatches from past dresses, uniforms and trousers–Picardie pulls together a beautiful and rich memoir.

Each chapter could easily stand on its own as a compact narrative of the memories that spin off from a single article of clothing. But together the pieces form a splendid and diverse wardrobe of remembrance.

I enjoyed this book very much. I think the cover is stylish and is certainly what drew me to the book in the first place. As far as book clubs, yes, if you have a predominantly female book club, this would be a good pick. There are many, many things to discuss: going to a new school, having grandparents from another country, sisters, fashion choices, cancer, politics and friendship. It’s good for a range of generations too. I’m 30 but I know my 40-50 something friends will enjoy the book. And my 20 something friends who read fiction and wouldn’t think of reading memoir would certainly like this book.

The book is out next month (March). And I recommend it as a good springtime read. Like plastic trousers and velvet vests, sometimes an impulse buy works out perfectly.

SFU Summer Workshop in New Media

One of the many hats that I wear now includes program director for the Simon Fraser University New Media summer workshops. Quite a mouthful.

Information about the SFU New Media workshop is now online:

The site is a work in progress so full session descriptions and bios will be available soon, but the preliminary info is up and registrations are now being accepted.


Summer Publishing Workshops
Simon Fraser University @ Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 5K3

For more info:
T 604 291 5241

Who should attend? Who is the workshop for?
Marketing, sales and publicity folks; designers and writers wanting to better understand the web; any business leader who wants to figure out this blogging thing, podcasting, wikis; managers and anyone in charge of a budget and figuring out how to make or spend money online.

The speaker line up is fantastic and the sessions are going to be great and informative.

I will post more about the speakers and the sessions, but for now check out the website:

Congratulations Team Canada!

Hailey WickenheiserIn June I got to meet Hayley Wickenheiser at BookExpo Canada. She was signing copies of Hayley Wickenheiser: Born to Play by Elizabeth Etue (Kids Can Press).

Hayley is formidable.

The first woman to play professional hockey (clarification–in a men’s league–thanks DB).
Member of the Canadian Olympic hockey team: Silver in Nagano, gold in Salt Lake City, and gold today in Torino.
In 2003, she played professional hockey in a men’s league in Finland.

Watching the game was very exciting, and listening to the crowd belt out O Canada at the medal ceremonies was my moment of patriotism today.

Congratulations to the Canadian women’s olympic hockey team. Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but gold is pretty damn sweet too.

Technologically Chic

Are you a geek with good fashion sense? Do you covet the laptop bag more than the laptop (only slightly more though, ok)?

These designs are pretty great: a keyboard inside a tablecloth, usb-drives in bracelets and cuffs.

I’m a fan of the usb leather bracelet.

Stylishly geeky.

Graphic Design and Typographer David Carson Comes to Vancouver

Passing on a press release:

Graphic designer and typographer David Carson will be speaking at a public seminar on Thursday, March 2 at 6:30 pm in The Art Institute of Vancouver’s soundstage at 3054 Beta Avenue in Burnaby. There will be a book signing, as well as the opportunity to win books and limited-edition, signed posters by Carson. Info on David and his work can be found at This is a free event, but we are expecting a sizeable turn-out, so an RSVP is required.

David Carson
Thursday, March 2 at 6:30

The Art Institute of Vancouver
3264 Beta Ave.
Burnaby, BC V5G 4K4

Phone: 604-298-5492 x. 5268 or 1-800-661-1885

Notes on Northern Voice 2006

Yesterday was Northern Voice 2006: Canada’s blogging conference. James and I attended and it was great to see our blogging friends and geek out a bit. The day opened with Julie Leung speaking about why stories are essential and how to blog effective tales. Next up was Dave Sifry and Tim Bray’s musings on the blogosphere. Apparently a new weblog is created every second of every day. Over 50% of new blogs are still active after 3 months.

Other sessions I attended were
Susannah Gardner‘s I’m Too Sexy for My Blog: Blog Design for Everyone.
Susannah is the author of Buzz Marketing with Blogs for Dummies, a book for business professionals looking for advice and solutions for business blogging. You can get a discount of all Dummies books instore at Chapters/Indigo this month. I highly recommend this book.

I also attended
The Changing Face of Journalism with Mark Schneider, Robert Ouiment and Michael Tippett
Eric Rice’s Everything Casting: Podcasting and Vlogging for the Masses

I wanted to Geek Out with Kevin Marks, Robert Scoble and Will Pate. And I was interested in Five Ways Your Blog Can Change the World, but my back was breaking. I worked really hard last week and to add on a 2-day conference was perhaps a bit much.

Here’s to taking a break.

Notes on Moose Camp

Friday was Moose Camp. What’s Moose Camp? Well, it’s like Bar Camp. Which is?

Ok, have you ever sat around in a bar and tried to pitch someone on an idea and you started drawing it out on the back of a napkin? Have you ever come up with the perfect solution to some problem while you were sitting around with your friends? That would be bar camp, moose camp, whatever.

My first session was Edubloggerhootenanny.

Alan Levine, D’Arcy Norman, Scott Leslie, and Brian Lamb were the conversation facilitators. The session was mostly for educators who are using blogs as teaching tools. It seemed to me that there are two types: those working with K-12 and those working with university and college students. Many of the issues are the same though: do you prescribe blogging, how do you deal with students who must submit blog work in multiple classes, how do you grade participation, etc.

Here are my random thoughts on edublogging:

Educators should view blogging as blog reading and blog writing. Not just blog writing.

In a classroom setting, the first step in introducing blogging could be reading blogs then discussing how to filter what is “true”, what isn’t; why do we think one voice has authority over others; how do we understand what we read; what narratives do we create from reading others.

Discussion. Remember blogs are about conversation.

Blogging should be incorporated the same way extracurricular reading is.

Give students the tools to understand how to find sites they enjoy, how to read and judge validity or authority, how to use critical thinking skills, and how to respond to the stories we read.

Real Time Reporting with Now Public
Next session was Real Time Reporting with Now Public. Michael Tippett gave a good presentation on, which is about sharing the news. He demonstrated how the site works and what things you can do as a citizen journalist. The site looked cool and seemed easy to use.

AJAX for Geeks
It was that kind of day.

I enjoyed AJAX for Geeks with Dave Johnson. There was code on the screen.

AJAX is all about the page refresh. You no longer need it. For example, when you are filling out a form and you incorrectly enter your password, the page is sent to the server, the server returns the error, and your entire screen needs to refresh in order to show the error message. With AJAX that doesn’t happen. Just small amounts of data flow back and forth, not the full page. With AJAX, the error message just appears on the screen.

Flickr and Google Maps are AJAX examples.

Structured Blogging and Microformats
Structured Blogging and Microformats with Bryan Rieger was in the afternoon. The basic idea is that a web post is like a block. As we produce more and more posts, they act as more and more little blocks. The thing you cannot do with a block is distinguish whether it is a text musing or an event listing or an image. If there were tags within the post that defined, for example, an event title, the event description, the event time and place, then you could do more with that information. For example, if you came across an event listing, instead of copying and pasting it into your calendar, you could somehow just one click import it.

It makes more sense to think of these types of posts and metadata as better for machines rather than humans, but there were arguments in favour of the human use.

Podcasting and Video Blogging
Podcasting and Video Blogging was presented by Robert Sanzalone. He told the group about, which apparently is the best video blogging site. You can upload your videos and it transcodes them and makes them available for download in multiple formats.

1 Minute Movie
Roland created a 1 Minute Movie with Photo to Movie, which costs $50 US and is better and easier than iMovie.

Although my descriptions of the sessions are getting shorter, this does not reflect my interest or enthusiasm for these sessions. I’m merely exhausted from the 2 days.

Back to Photocamp … it was a freeform discussion about photos at Photocamp with Kris Krug.

I now need to figure out the cool boost colour effect for my camera. We discussed aperture.

DabbleDB demo. We created a database on the fly. The functions are really cool. Love the product but the import function was lacking and I’m skeptical about the export. As a tool though, really interesting and very very likeable.

In a side conversation, I learned that GMail and GTalk are beautifully linked and I need to dust off the GMail account.

Leadership Hacks
David Sifry of Technorati talked about leadership. It’s all about passion, the team, leading not managing, developing other leaders, preparing for scalability traps, back of the napkining it, remembering it’s a business not a clubhouse, vision + execution, failing fast and being of service.

After all of that I stumbled along to the evening BBQ in Stanley Park and ate 2 Chips Ahoy cookies, which, yes mom, did spoil my dinner.

All in all, a great day.

Where’s that Moose? Northern Voice 2006 Starts Tomorrow

The Moose is totally loose!

Northern Voice unofficially starts tonight. In mere minutes, Chris Pirillo and Ponzi Indharasophangi will be taping The Chris Pirillo Show live at Take 5 Cafe at 429 Granville from 6-8p.m.

They want a live audience of Northern Voicers — I hope to make it down there before 8.
Here’s the post from NORTHERN VOICE.

Moose Camp is tomorrow and then Northern Voice: Canada’s Blogging Conference is Saturday.

Is there anyone who doesn’t have a ticket and would like to go? I might have one extra.

UPDATE: The ticket is spoken for.

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