So Misguided

Plain words, uncommon sense

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Two Public Lectures

From SFU, here’s an announcement about two lectures open to the public:

August 9
ENDING THE TWO SOLITUDES: A Quebecois Publisher’s Ideas for Cross-Cultural Publishing in Canada
A rare opportunity for English language publishers, academics , writers and educators to find out what they should know to approach the French-language market.
7 to 9 pm
Room 1800 SFU Vancouver
Fee $10.00

August 10
Convergence of cutting-edge technology, new markets, global distribution, and mass publicity have opened the door for real change in book publishing. This lecture will start with a discussion of print on demand’s latest technological advances and move quickly to the implications of global infrastructure changes. Particular focus will be given to† publishing applications-everything from the works of first-time authors to corporate and regional publishing.
7:30 to 9:30 pm
Room 1800, SFU Vancouver
Fee: $10.00

Lumos, Harry Potter Conference Starts Tomorrow

Summer reading to me screams Harry Potter but this summer, without a new book to read, I’m left reading all the Harry Potter fan sites, which I actually really like. There’s all sorts of great plot speculations and preview photos of the films and fan fiction to tie me over.

One of the things I’m looking forward to reading about is Lumos, the Harry Potter conference taking place in Las Vegas July 27 – 30, 2006.

I know about Lumos from Heidi at

There are lots of great sites but I want to highlight for a second.

In 2005, a teenage fan fiction writer Katie O’Brien lost her battle with leukemia. At the time FAWC, the non-profit educational arm of created three scholarships for young, talented creators, in her memory.

The winners of the 2006-2007 Katie O’Brien Memorial scholarship are:

* Ashley Yutzy, of the Maryland Institute College of Art
* Michelle A., who will be attending Florida State University this fall
* Rachel W. of Colorado’s Naropa University

Each received an award of $500.

I’m mentioning them now because examples of their works will be on display in the booth at Lumos.

You can also see some of the work online:
Ashley’s portfolio

A selection from Michelle’s winning submission for the Community Service scholarship.

A selection from Rachel’s winning submission for the Writing scholarship

So if you’re looking for a Harry Potter fix, check out

Anthony Bourdain Podcast

Yesterday was an early day for me. I woke up at 6 am to be ready for a phone interview with Frank Barnako of

It was exciting to have a tech/marketing conversation about this thing I’ve been working on since November.

So what’s that thing?
Raincoast and At Large Media are producing a literary podcast series, and over the month of July we’ve been releasing the 3 parts of a podcast with Anthony Bourdain (author of Kitchen Confidential and The Nasty Bits and host of the Travel Channel show No Reservations).

The podcasts caught Frank’s attention because he writes the Internet Daily column for MarketWatch and because he’s a fan of Anthony Bourdain. So I got to have my few minutes of fame talking about a famous chef and the not-yet-famous Raincoast podcasts.

Here’s the link to the article.

And here’s the link to the Raincoast podcasts page. I think Part 2: The Book Signing is my favourite but perhaps a listener survey is in order.

While I’m plugging Raincoast, there’s also a Raincoast blog that I write,

Enough said about the day job.

Find an article you like? Want to know what similar articles people have linked to on You need

It’s kind of crazy, but an interesting addition to Technorati searches.


I just returned home from a meeting at the Shebeen Club. We had a great discussion about censorship, and then I stumbled across this clip of George W. Bush and Tony Blair discussing the Middle East crisis at the G8 Summit. It’s lunchtime, it’s candid, it’s oops you’re mic is on.

Link to Reuters video clip.

Art of Comix and Cartooning

Eve Corbel (illustrator of this cartoon and also known as Mary Schendlinger) is giving a workshop on the Art of Comix & Cartooning.

22 July at the Listel Hotel

Full details are on the Geist website at:

It sounds like fun, and participants get a Geist cartooning kit.

Vancouver Folk Festival 2006

Festival Fairy

Opportunity rang yesterday around 2 pm with an invitation to the Vancouver Folk Festival. I used to be a volunteer at the festival but in the last couple of years my life accelerated to a pace that made it impossible to volunteer the number of hours required.

One of my favourite folk fest memories is working Sunday morning and standing on the main stage when the gates open. The William Tell Overature plays on the main stage speakers and folk fest fans storm the seating area in front of the stage to stake their claim of space for the day. There are coordinated efforts with mom and dad each hanging onto a tarp corner and taking flying leaps to spread the tarp in warp speed. Sons and daughters in tow, coolers bouncing off legs. Flags and marker posts go up. And in 2 minutes the entire area is covered with a patchwork quilt of blanket squares.

Admist the bizarre, multi-tie-dyed, misguided fashionists, you catch glimpses of beauty itself. Yesterday there was the red-haired girl and this princepessa.

Publishing Statistics

Stats on the publishing industry are collected at the below site. Most are American and there’s a disclaimer that numbers may not be up to date and that sources are only listed when known and often may not appear on the websites referenced. Sounds dodgey but I want to remember the link:

Social Tech Brewing

If you’re free Monday and are interested in a little networking, beer and hang-out session, come to Social Tech Brewing.

Social Tech Brewing Vancouver
Border-Busting: a conversation with Katrin Verclas
July 17th, Radha Eatery

What is Social Tech Brewing? It’s a meet-up of people working with non-profits and technology, and it’s fun.

This month’s event features a conversation with Katrin Verclas, the incoming director of The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (N-TEN), an American group that works to support the diverse people and organizations who help nonprofits employ technology effectively.

According to Rob, “Katrin will lead an informal discussion about whether/how US npos can work more effectively here in Canada. Sheíll also introduce us to a new project from the N-TEN Technobabes Community: ‘BraCamp,’ which weíre hoping will lead to a broader conversation about gender issues in nonprofit technology.”

The presentation and Q&A starts at 7:15 and wraps up by 8. Pre- and post-presentation there are drinks at Radha at the Brickhouse.


Date: July 17 2006, 7:00-9:00pm
Venue: Radha Eatery, 730 Main Street, Vancouver, BC. (map)
Cost: Free!

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