Last week I was chatting with Lex about the tv show Lost. She’s just started watching the series and is now a bit of a fan. I’m also a fan, however, I have never seen a full episode. I did see the “Making of” special that was on last year and fell in love with the idea of the show. Now I’m really intrigued.

I read in Quill and Quire that Hyperion has published a novel by one of the characters on the show. It is a posthumous publication written by Oceanic Flight 815 casualty Gary Troup.

Quote: “Bad Twin, a tale about a set of twins – one bad, obviously – out to get Daddyís bucks, was found in manuscript form by the Lost characters on the hit ABC program. Viggo-esque man-hunk Josh ‘Sawyer’ Holloway is reading it on the show, according to a Guardian article, and is ‘anxious to finish it.'”

Just to clarify, this is a fictional work written by a fictional character who is dead in a fictional tv show–the book is a real physical object published by a real company. Nice blurring of lines between fact and fiction.

Intriguing? I think so especially from a marketing point of view.

There are a huge number of Lost fans who are looking for clues to the show. Lots of fan sites and speculation. Now there is a book. Cool cross-promo.

Here’s the link to the book on