The Case of Windy Lake was the co-winner in Second Story Press’ 2018 Indigenous Writing Contest

The first book in this mystery series for readers age 9-12 introduces readers to cousins Sam, Otter, Atim, and Chickadee. This inseparable quartet are nicknamed the Mighty Muskrats for how they stick together and tromp around the rez solving mysteries. In this story, they need all their wits about them to figure out what has happened to a missing archaeologist working for the nearby mine.

Most mystery / detective series are firmly placed in white, middle-class neighbourhoods but this community is full of characters from Ugly Fish, a hunting and fishing guide, to Denice, the kids’ activist cousin, to various Elders and company men working at the nearby mine.

The First Nation residents are no fan of the mine or the bone-digger, but they also want to rescue the lost man. The Mighty Muskrats are keen to find him too, and show their Uncle (the cop) just how helpful they can be.

The underlying story is that of the conflicting feelings about the mine. On the one hand there are good people working there who need the job to support their families. On the other, there are environmental concerns about water and air pollution, how the mine changes the land and the locals ability to fish and hunt.

Overall this is a fun mystery, and a story about the ties between families, neighbours, and communities.

Michael Hutchinson is a member of the Misipawistik Cree Nation, north of Winnipeg. He currently lives in Ottawa, Ontario where he works at the Assembly of First Nations, which advocates for First Nation families and communities across Canada.