Need to revive a gel pen that stopped working? If your gel pen still has ink but it won’t come out then you can fix a dried out gel pen with this lifehack.
It’s super easy to revive gel pens. Just use a water dropper to add a drop or two of water to the ink. Lucky I have droppers from my perfume days. But you could use a leaky faucet! Next shake the pen and attempt to write.
If it doesn’t work, add another drop of water and try again.
Still not working? Blow into the ink. I only needed to do this for 1 pen but I managed to force out some ink, then the ball was rolling again and working.
For a super tricky pen, soak the entire pen in warm water for 5 minutes. I had to go all out to get my green mini gel pen working, but it’s awesome now.
Hooray for science.