I met Ayala at Portobello West last week and she runs perfume workshops. I can’t make it on Tuesday and Thursdays but for those of you interested in perfume, check out the below info.

There is a new calendar of workshops for July at Ayala Moriel Perfume Studio.

Workshops are now offered on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm.

Or visit the SmellyBlog which is always up-to-date:

Spaces in each workshop are extremely limited, so sign up in advance to reserve your spot.

* July 3rd (Tues.): Ice Cream and Hydrosols (children are invited to this
workshop with their parents!)

* July 5th (Thurs.): “Behind the Scents” – learn about the creative process
and the stories behind the creations of some of Ayala’s most haunting

* July 10 (Tues.): Scented Body Care Products (learn how to make simple and
fun body care products such as wonderful smelling bath salts and massage

* July 12 (Thurs.): Solid Perfumes – learn how to make your own solid
perfume from rare and precious oils and floral waxes!