If you live in Calgary, come join me at WordFest 2006.

October 14, 2006
Start: 11:30 am, End: 12:30 pm
Venue: Art Gallery of Calgary

Where is the internet publishing revolution taking us? [Where indeed. I suppose I need to reflect on this question …]
Cost: $6

Charles Campbell
Karen Neudorf
Monique Trottier
Shelley Youngblut

I’m also open to suggestions of fun things to do in Calgary. Any blogger meet-ups happening? Any cool tech events? Post to the comments and let me know.


Toronto Bound!

I’ll be in Toronto the following week, Oct 17-20. I have a conference during the day on the 19th and 20th but if anyone is up for an evening of blogs and beverages, let me know.


Wow, Adams River to Calgary to Toronto.