I was talking about geese last night. Geese fly in a V-formation so that they have more time to glide. Gliding allows them to conserve energy. This is the same reason why cyclists in the Tour de France ride in teams and have a “draft zone.” According to James, knower of all things I forget, this is 30% more efficient.
Because I’m an editor, I look these things up.
The efficiencies actually increase the farther back you are. According to Outside magazine, at race speeds, it is 17% easier for the second rider, 38% for the next and 40% for the fourth position on the back. Even the guy at the front uses 3% less energy. (Outside magazine)
Geese and cyclists. One difference is that when one cyclist goes down, the rest of the team keeps going. One geese goes down, and two go down with it. The two will stay with the injured one until it dies or heals. This is advantageous for all. Two can still create efficiencies in flight if the third dies. Three is even better.
A gaggle of geese.
A rascal of boys.
A mustering of storks.
An exaltation of larks.
A miscellany of thoughts.